Stamford Advocate

Woman wants distance from sister

- Write to Dear Abby at P.O. Box 96440, Los Angeles, CA 90069 or

Dear Abby: My sister has bullied and controlled me most of my life. She has said many very unkind things, and I have reached a place in my life where I need peace and distance from her. Because of this, I have blocked her from texting or calling me.

The problem I’m having is that my sister texts and sends pictures and presents to my in-laws. I feel this is inappropri­ate. She’s married and has her own in-laws to grow a relationsh­ip with. I feel she does it to stay relevant in my life.

It feels to me that she is oversteppi­ng boundaries. I can’t breathe or have a life outside of her. My husband’s family are MY in-laws, not hers. Are my feelings unreasonab­le?

Smothered In Pennsylvan­ia

Dear Smothered: Your feelings are your feelings and you’re entitled to them. But to allow your sister to take up any more space in your head than you already have is counterpro­ductive.

Talk with a therapist about this, if necessary, to help you quit obsessing about her. The problem isn’t her — it is how you continue to react to her.

Dear Abby: Growing up, my best friend was a female. We had a strong platonic friendship for many years. Our primary method of communicat­ion was letter-writing. We wrote hundreds of letters and emails to each other before we drifted apart during college.

We recently reconnecte­d after 10 years and quickly began talking like we used to. I’m excited to write to my fellow letter-writer again, but we are both married now, and I want to be respectful of the spouses involved.

Is there a right way to revive our constant flow of letters and emails, like in the old days?

Cautious In California

Dear Cautious: Letterwrit­ing is fast becoming a dying art, and it’s a shame. I hope you and your friend have been saving the correspond­ence you’ve exchanged because they are valuable keepsakes that reflect your activities and opinions as you both have matured.

I see nothing wrong with continuing the exchange of letters as long as your spouses are aware of it and don’t object. More people should consider doing what you are doing. I have been told by friends (pre-“Abby”) that they have kept mine and enjoyed rereading them.

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