Stamford Advocate

Rep. Tracy Marra of Darien seeks 2nd term in 141st District

- By Mollie Hersh STAFF WRITER

DARIEN — Tracy Marra announced she will be running for a second term to represent then 141st District in the Connecticu­t House of Representa­tives.

Marra, a Republican, was elected to office in 2022 after running unopposed to represent the 141st District, which includes most of Darien and Rowayton in Norwalk. She succeeded Terrie Wood, who Marra previously worked with as Wood’s 2020 campaign chair.

“It has been an absolute honor to serve the 141st District, and I hope to have earned your trust to continue as your advocate and ensure Darien and Norwalk have a strong, measured voice at the table in Hartford,” Marra said in a press release announcing her reelection campaign.

For the 2023-24 legislativ­e

session, Marra was appointed to serve on the legislatur­e’s committees for education, public health and transporta­tion.

In her announceme­nt, Marra touted her involvemen­t

in legislatio­n that allows college professors to teach in public high schools under certain circumstan­ces and legislatio­n including two public safety measures allowing emergency contracept­ion and Narcan, used for emergency opioid overdoses, to be distribute­d through a vending machine.

Marra said her reelection campaign priorities include encouragin­g business growth, maintainin­g local decisionma­king in housing developmen­t and providing law enforcemen­t with the necessary tools to keep every member of the community safe.

Her campaign team includes campaign manager Adrienne Kelly and treasurer Melissa Zablocki.

Marra holds a doctor of pharmacy degree from Butler University and worked as a pharmacist for more than 20 years.

“As a mother, a trained pharmacist and a community organizer with a deep love for the district, I am ready to continue the work needed to make our state a better place to live for our families,” Marra said in a statement.

 ?? Christian Abraham/Hearst Connecticu­t Media file photo ?? State Rep. Tracy Marra, R-Darien, providing an update about the 2023 legislativ­e session for 141st and 125th district residents at Darien Town Hall on April 26, 2023.
Christian Abraham/Hearst Connecticu­t Media file photo State Rep. Tracy Marra, R-Darien, providing an update about the 2023 legislativ­e session for 141st and 125th district residents at Darien Town Hall on April 26, 2023.

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