Stamford Advocate

DuVernay’s ambitious take on adaptation-defying bestseller

- By Michael Phillips

“You can’t be walking around at night, on a white street, and not expect trouble.” Author Isabel Wilkerson’s mother has likely said something like this before, in one of any number of tragic contexts. In this case, George Zimmerman has recently killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin for walking, in a hoodie, at night, while Black.

And Wilkerson wonders: Is it really on the young man’s shoulders to avoid arousing suspicion, then deadly overreacti­on, among his fellow American citizens?

Martin’s name is one of many heard in the vital, supple new film “Origin,” and screenwrit­erdirector Ava DuVernay has found a way to turn an adaptation-defying bestseller — Isabel Wilkerson’s magnificen­t “Caste” — into what feels like the only possible film version.

Without sacrificin­g or exploiting any of Wilkerson’s personal story, “Origin” honors what the author and journalist did in taking on a hugely ambitious research project in the service of her second book. Subtitled “The Origins of Our Discontent­s,” “Caste” came out in 2020. It wasn’t easy to write, but it reads like a streak — a provocativ­e and elegantly intertwine­d examinatio­n of America’s racial history and structural biases, and their undeniable links to both India’s caste system and Nazi Germany’s murder of 6 million Jews.

The result, on screen, is not like any other how-I-wrote-this biopic, partly because it’s much more than that. DuVernay dramatizes the historical figures in Wilkerson’s “Caste,” through her travels abroad and her family joys and sorrows at home, in constantly surprising ways.

It begins where too many American stories begin: with one more dead Black body on a residentia­l street. The 2012 killing of Martin serves as the sobering prologue to “Origin.”

The news story strikes Wilkerson (played with supple authority and great, compressed force by Aunjanue Ellis-Taylor) as worth writing about, though she resists the entreaties of a friend and former New York Times editor (played by Blair Underwood).

Soon enough, grief sends Wilkerson, the former Chicago bureau chief of the New York Times, into a heartbreak­ing new realm of purpose. Wilkerson’s second husband (Jon Bernthal, excellent) dies suddenly, a 15year-old brain tumor diagnosis cruelly catching up with him. Wilkerson soon suffers another family loss and must pick up pieces everywhere she turns.

Those include the pieces, the notions, for researchin­g an everlarger idea for a book: one dealing, somehow, with America’s own racial caste structure and its connection­s to Nazi Germany’s caste society, as well as India’s.

With the death of her mother (played with wonderful grace by Emily Yancy) in due course, Wilkerson focuses on work, as best she can, while seeking solace in friends, friends/interview subjects and colleagues around the world, some more supportive of her central thesis than others.

“Origin” struggles a bit to accommodat­e both DuVernay’s dramatized research, in the form of flashbacks, focused on 1930s Germany, and the Dalit caste of India — the lowest rung, the ones tasked with cleaning latrine waste with their bare hands.

But like the book, the film about the making of the book pulls off a near-miracle in shaping a steadily multiplyin­g amount of informatio­n and ideas that are not simply informatio­n and ideas. Reason: The people come alive in “Origin” and Ellis-Taylor holds the key.

I’d see it again for any number of scenes, notably Audra McDonald as a friend of Wilkerson’s, relaying the riveting story of why her father named her Miss Hale. DuVernay, whose previous work includes firstrate documentar­ies (“The 13th”), docudramas (“When They See Us”) and biographic­al portraits of a person and a movement (“Selma”), creates a singular visual leitmotif, in which we see Wilkerson, in a black void, leaves falling all around, communing with her late husband, or with a research subject who dies before she has a chance to hear his own story of racial caste prejudice involving a whites-only swimming pool and a Little League team that didn’t bother with caste and racial designatio­ns.

To say “Origin” is destined for countless classroom screenings risks making it sound medicinal or earnestly educationa­l. It is, I suppose, educationa­l; it’s also vibrant and adroit and searching as human drama. It’s one woman’s story.

And like the book that inspired it, DuVernay’s adaptation makes us see what Wilkerson saw, all around the world we make for ourselves. And then remake. Or else.

 ?? Atsushi Nishijima/Neon/Tribune News Service ?? Jon Bernthal and Aunjanue Ellis-Taylor star in “Origin,” based on the bestsellin­g book “Caste: The Origins of Our Discontent­s” by Isabel Wilkerson.
Atsushi Nishijima/Neon/Tribune News Service Jon Bernthal and Aunjanue Ellis-Taylor star in “Origin,” based on the bestsellin­g book “Caste: The Origins of Our Discontent­s” by Isabel Wilkerson.

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