Stamford Advocate

Andrea Hurley leads UConn visit to Connecticu­t Children’s Center

- By Christine Butterfiel­d STAFF WRITER

HARTFORD — Smiles were all around the moment the UConn men’s basketball team showed up Wednesday afternoon at the Connecticu­t Children’s Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders.

“These children are battling some serious illnesses and they’re in the true fight,” UConn coach Dan Hurley said. “So inspiratio­nal for us to spend time with them. Hopefully we brighten their day up.”

Once the UConn players found mini basketball­s with a hoop in one of the treatment rooms, it was game over. Donovan Clingan could not stop himself from throwing a few shots up.

It didn’t take long for Hurley to stroll through and see what the ruckus was about.

“Having these big 7-foot guys hanging around the kids and the families and signing things, I think we walk out of here with a greater perspectiv­e,” Hurley said. “Certainly more inspired because it seems like all these kids love their Huskies and it’s gonna make us fight even harder and we’ve been fighting pretty hard.”

The No. 1-ranked Huskies are off for a week, but the team spent Wednesday visiting the children’s hospital in Hartford. UConn last played on Saturday night and does not play against until Sunday.

So the players, coaches and staff traveled from Storrs to visit, sign autographs, pose for picutress, and play games with the patients.

Alex Karaban was playing Connect 4 with one of the patients, and while it was a tight race, the UConn sophomore was defeated. He didn’t mind this type of loss, though, and was more than happy to five-high the child who beat him.

“It means a lot for us just going out and just trying to brighten up people’s days. They’re battling through stuff that we can’t imagine,” Karaban said. “Just to come in here and really put a smile on their face is the most important thing. That’s what we want to do as basketball players, just outside of basketball, just really help kids out and make their days better.”

This opportunit­y was set up by Hurley’s wife, Andrea, who volunteers at Connecticu­t Children’s once a week.

She’s very passionate

about the cause because her mother was a radiation therapist and she’s been around cancer treatment her whole life.

“I can’t even describe it. It’s like my two favorite worlds colliding,” Andrea said about the event. “When I come here, it’s so humbling and it makes you realize there is a world outside of sports that is, you know, very important.

“You know, it’s so close to my heart.”

She also serves on the Foundation Board for Connecticu­t Children’s.

“She’s grown to really love it here at Connecticu­t Children’s Hospital,” Dan Hurley said. “She’s got a huge heart. She loves the staff. Obviously, families, children, she spends a lot of time here. It’s a special place for her, it’s a special place for all of us.”

Andrea said that every morning she comes in, the staff goes on a 10 to 15 minute conversati­on about the current state of the Huskies.

Once she realized that the staff and patients were such big UConn fans, Andrea knew they should team up for something special.

“They’re so into (UConn) like truly into it ... So I said to Danny, ‘Is there any way we could incorporat­e the team? They always talk about it, they’re so into it. The kids would love it.’

“They’ve taken me in here as like one of their own and it’s like a family. So it’s so nice to have my family here and my (UConn) family there.”

The visit thrilled the patients.

“One of the best experience­s I’ve had because I just love seeing all the UConn players it’s just so fun to hang out with them. And just walk around with them, to color with them, dance with them. It just takes my mind off everything I have to go through,” said Daniella, a patient at Connecticu­t Children’s.

From Hassan Diarra leading dance parties to players coloring with the kids, the center was buzzing with energy throughout the visit.

“They never get a day off, so for them to come here, you know, the middle of the day on their day off ... and it’s like the height of the season, it just means so much,” Andrea said.

“It just shows what kind of kids we have.”

UConn hosts Xavier Sunday at the XL Center in the annual Coaches vs. Cancer game. The game is part of a nationwide initiative that empowers basketball coaches, their teams and their local communitie­s to raise awarenss in the fight against cancer. promote healthy living, and fund raise through activities.

When doors open at 10:30 a.m., fans can find Andrea and other spouses of the coaching and support staff at the Coaches vs. Cancer table located on the concourse near section 124.

Fans are encouraged to bring 3-inch pictures or smaller of a loved one who has been affected by cancer and join Andrea Hurley in creating memorial buttons to wear during the game. Or fans can submit the photo at uconnhuski­ CvC.

Daniella will be in attendance at the game and is eager to cheer on the Huskies.

“I hope they’re gonna win,” Daniella said with a smile.

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