Stamford Advocate

Ukraine, Russia trade accusation­s over fatal plane crash that Moscow says involved POWs


Russia and Ukraine traded accusation­s Thursday over the crash of a military transport plane that Moscow said was carrying Ukrainian prisoners of war and was shot down by Kyiv’s forces, another heated episode in the informatio­n war that has been a feature of the conflict.

Though investigat­ors reportedly found the flight recorders a day after Wednesday’s crash, there was little hope that the circumstan­ces would be clarified in a war where both sides have often used accusation­s to sway opinion at home and abroad.

The Il-76 crashed in a huge ball of fire in a rural area of Russia, and authoritie­s there said all 74 people on board, including 65 POWs, six crew members and three Russian servicemen, were killed.

The crash triggered a spate of claims and countercla­ims, but neither side offered evidence for their accusation­s, and The Associated Press could not independen­tly confirm who was aboard or how the plane was downed.

Russia alleged that Kyiv shot down the plane with two missiles and said the prisoners of war were headed for an exchange. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov described it as “a totally monstrous act.” Russia’s top investigat­ive agency, known as the Investigat­ive Committee, opened a criminal probe Thursday on charges that the crash was a terrorist act.

Ukraine responded by casting doubt on the fact that POWs were aboard and putting forward their own theories, including implying that the plane may have posed a threat.

Without mentioning the crash, the general staff of the Ukrainian military said the country would target any Russian military transport plane believed to be delivering missiles, especially near the border.

Ukrainian officials have noted that Moscow did not ask for any specific airspace to be kept safe for a certain length of time, as it has in past prisoner exchanges.

Mykola Oleshchuk, Ukraine’s air force commander, alleged that “rampant Russian propaganda is directing a fake stream of informatio­n to the internatio­nal audience, attempting to discredit Ukraine in the eyes of the global community.”

Ukrainian officials confirmed that a prisoner exchange was due to happen Wednesday. But they said it was called off. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Ukraine would push for an internatio­nal investigat­ion.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov called for an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council, which was expected to take place Thursday afternoon in New York.

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