Stamford Advocate

Police: Man fatally stabbed on Christmas

32-year-old man attacked outside a house party

- By Peter Yankowski

STAMFORD — Police say a 32-year-old man has died after he was stabbed multiple times during a fight outside a party at a home early Christmas morning.

Police did not immediatel­y release the name of the victim on Tuesday.

Stamford Police Capt. Thomas Scanlon said 22-year-old Beimar Araujo-Ramirez has been charged with disorderly conduct.

Araujo-Ramirez, who was among those who took the victim to the hospital, has not been charged directly with the stabbing outside a home on Crystal Street on the city’s East Side.

Around 3:30 a.m. on Monday, Stamford police were called to Stamford Hospital for a stabbing victim who had been admitted to the emergency room and was undergoing treatment, Scanlon said.

“The 32-year-old male victim with multiple stab wounds was previously dropped off at the entrance of the emergency room by unknown individual­s. The victim was rushed into emergency surgery and succumbed to his injuries later in the morning while in the Intensive Care Unit,” Scanlon said in a news release Tuesday.

Soon after police responded to the hospital, officers saw a “second individual” who was “walking recklessly” in the roadway on Broad Street, Scanlon said.

Scanlon said the man was identified as Araujo-Ramirez2, and police determined he attended the party where the man had been stabbed.

Araujo-Ramirez told investigat­ors “he and others had driven the victim to the hospital,” Scanlon said.

Scanlon said the party was held at a home on Crystal Street, where witnesses described a fight breaking out outside.

“The circumstan­ces surroundin­g this fight and the injuries that led to the death of the victim remains under investigat­ion,” Scanlon said. Araujo-Ramirez has been charged with two counts of disorderly conduct. Scanlon said the charges were due to Araujo-Ramirez’s “actions toward the two hosts of the party,” both of whom were tenants of the home.

State Superior Court Judge Alex Hernandez set AraujoRami­rez’s bond at $500,000, according to court records. He did not immediatel­y post bond.

According to the records, Araujo-Ramirez lives lives on Glenbrook Road, within walking distance of Crystal Street.

By Tuesday afternoon, all was quiet on Crystal Street, a narrow one-way road that stems from East Main Street and leads to Daskam Park in southern Glenbrook.

Anyone with informatio­n about the incident can contact Sgt. William Garay of the Major Crimes Unit at 203-977-4417, or submit a confidenti­al text tip to Tip411 by texting “StamfordPD” to 847411, followed by the informatio­n.

 ?? Stamford Police Dept./Contribute­d photo ?? Beimar Araujo-Ramirez, 22, has been charged with disorderly conduct in connection with the fatal stabbing of a man outside a party early Monday in Stamford, police said.
Stamford Police Dept./Contribute­d photo Beimar Araujo-Ramirez, 22, has been charged with disorderly conduct in connection with the fatal stabbing of a man outside a party early Monday in Stamford, police said.
 ?? Tyler Sizemore/Hearst Connecticu­t Media ?? A fatal stabbing took place outside a house on Crystal Street early Christmas Day.
Tyler Sizemore/Hearst Connecticu­t Media A fatal stabbing took place outside a house on Crystal Street early Christmas Day.

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