Stamford Advocate (Sunday)

Questions on Eversource, Big Lots, the Olympics and more

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See how well you followed the news on Sturm, Ruger & Co., Food Network, college basketball recruits and more.

1. What natural phenomenon caused significan­t damage in Simsbury, including tossing planes and downing trees?

A. An earthquake

B. A microburst

C. A tornado

D. A derecho

2. What is the unique theme of the new speakeasy opening in downtown Wallingfor­d?

A. A bookstore with a hidden jazz club

B. A 1980s arcade with a retro diner

C. A vintage clothing store with a secret tea room

D. A VHS rental shop front with a Hollywoodt­hemed cocktail lounge

3. What did the CEO say was the primary reason for Sturm, Ruger & Co.’s recent workforce reduction?

A. To relocate the company’s main offices

B. To achieve greater efficiency, productivi­ty and flexibilit­y

C. To comply with new government regulation­s

D. To respond to a significan­t drop in sales

4. Which two Class of 2025 recruits have UConn women’s basketball among their top choices?

A. Aaliyah Crump and Hailee Swain

B. Agot Makeer and Lara Somfai

C. Lara Somfai and Hailee Swain

D. Sienna Betts and Leonna Sneed

5. What was the primary reason for the increase in many Eversource customers’ July Connecticu­t electric bills?

A. Public benefits charges

B. Increased fuel costs C. New equipment installati­on

D. Higher transmissi­on fees

6. Why are local historians

trying to save the Elias Cadwell House in Guilford?

A. It was home to an enslaved woman named Dinah

B. It is the oldest house in Guilford

C. It is located in the local historic district

D. It was built by a famous architect

7. Which Food Network show did West Hartford chef Adam Greenberg appear on earlier in August?

A. Chopped

B. Beat Bobby Flay C. Alex vs. America D. Guy’s Grocery Games

8. Why was Alex Walsh disqualifi­ed in the women’s 200 individual medley final at the Paris Olympics?

A. For not touching the wall during a turn

B. For an illegal transition from backstroke to breaststro­ke during a turn

C. For a false start D. For swimming in the wrong lane

9. Why is Big Lots closing additional stores in Connecticu­t?

A. Lower-income households are cutting back on surplus spending

B. Increased competitio­n from online retailers

C. Rising rental costs for retail spaces

D. Supply chain disruption­s

10. Which top shooting guard recruit visited the UConn men’s basketball team late last week?

A. Niko Bundalo B. Darius Adams C. Braylon Mullins D. Eric Reibe

11. What was the final auction price for the iconic 12-foot lobster statue from Chowder

Pot III?

A. $6,750 B. $4,200 C. $7,500 D. $5,000

12. What significan­t achievemen­t did Connecticu­t native Liam Corrigan help accomplish at the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris?

A. He set a new world record in the men’s eight rowing event.

B. He won a gold medal in the men’s four rowing event.

C. He was the flag bearer for the United States during the opening ceremony.

D. He won a silver medal in the men’s single sculls event.

13. What are the primary factors contributi­ng to the spike in auto insurance premiums in Connecticu­t in 2024?

A. Increased fuel prices, road constructi­on and older vehicles

B. Weather-related damages and fewer insurance companies

C. Dangerous driving, personal injury lawyers and increasing­ly complicate­d cars

D. Lower accident rates, improved road conditions and fewer claims

14. When is Apna Bazar, a South Asian grocery chain, scheduled to open its first store in Connecticu­t? A. August 15 B. September 1 C. October 10

D. July 30

15. Who coached Team USA to a bronze medal in Olympic 3x3 women’s basketball?

A. Dawn Staley B. Kim Mulkey C. Jennifer Rizzotti D. Geno Auriemma

This quiz was generated using OpenAI’s GPT-4o large language model, leveraging the reported, edited and vetted stories that garnered the most views over the past week.

AI autonomous­ly creates

each quiz question, including multiple answer choices and a detailed explanatio­n for the correct answer.

Following this, a newsroom journalist reviews and edits each element for accuracy, appropriat­eness and sensitivit­y, ensuring the content remains reflective of the original article from which it’s generated.

For more details on our use of AI and our editorial processes, see our AI policy at https://

This quiz was reported by Hearst Connecticu­t Media Group with editing and production support from Lindsay Boyle, design and developmen­t from Michelle Deloso and quiz automation from Ryan Serpico.

 ?? Jim Michaud/Hearst Connecticu­t Media Group ?? Pastor Tom Calderone and church member Judy Destro look at the large tree that fell on the office section of their church.
Jim Michaud/Hearst Connecticu­t Media Group Pastor Tom Calderone and church member Judy Destro look at the large tree that fell on the office section of their church.
 ?? ??
 ?? Adam Greenberg/Contribute­d photo ?? Adam Greenberg, of Sparrow Pizza Bar in West Hartford, appeared on a Food network competitio­n show on Aug. 4
Adam Greenberg/Contribute­d photo Adam Greenberg, of Sparrow Pizza Bar in West Hartford, appeared on a Food network competitio­n show on Aug. 4
 ?? Ned Gerard/Hearst Connecticu­t Media ?? Sturm, Ruger & Co. in Fairfield on Aug. 6.
Ned Gerard/Hearst Connecticu­t Media Sturm, Ruger & Co. in Fairfield on Aug. 6.

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