Stamford Advocate (Sunday)

Sports Illustrate­d lays off most of its staff, threatenin­g brand’s future

- By Ben Strauss

Much of the staff of Sports Illustrate­d, and possibly all remaining writers and editors, received layoff notices Friday, which could spell the end of a publicatio­n that for decades was the gold standard of sports journalism.

The union of the staff tweeted Friday that it would continue to fight for the publicatio­n of the magazine but that its future is now in the hands of the magazine’s owner, Authentic Brands Group.

“This is another difficult day in what has been a difficult four years for Sports Illustrate­d under Arena Group (previously The Maven) stewardshi­p,” the union said in a statement. “We are calling on ABG to ensure the continued publicatio­n of SI and allow it to serve our audience in the way it has for nearly 70 years.”

The layoffs come amid an ongoing dispute between Authentic Brands Group and the Arena Group, the two companies atop an unusual ownership structure for Sports Illustrate­d. ABG, which owns the brand, is a licensing company that owns the brands of celebritie­s such as Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley. Arena Group pays ABG $15 million a year for the rights to publish Sports Illustrate­d in print and online.

Earlier this month, the Arena Group missed a $3.75 million payment to ABG, which ABG said violated the terms of its licensing deal. An SEC filing Thursday said Arena’s publishing license was terminated.

Manoj Bhargava, the founder of 5-hour Energy, operates the Arena Group after making an investment in the company last year.

“If a company doesn’t pay me, I breach,” Jamie Salter, the CEO of ABG, said in an interview with The Post on Friday, adding that Bhargava has sought to lower the licensing fee. “He’s trying to negotiate with me and I told him to f—- off. He tried to change the agreement. When you sign a deal with us, you live by the deal.”

Salter added that he could sell the license to other interested parties.

“I mean, it could be good,” he said. “I could end up with a really strong media partner.”

Salter left open the possibilit­y that Arena Group and ABG could continue in business together. He said Arena Group still has five days to make the $3.75 million payment or the licensing agreement is terminated.

“He’s going to [pay] or we’re going to terminate him,” Salter said. “Who’s going to cry first? I ain’t going to cry.”

After this story was published, Dan Dienst, executive vice chairman of tactical opportunit­ies for ABG, corrected Salter, saying the period to pay had passed and the license had been terminated. A spokesman for Arena Group did not immediatel­y reply to a request for comment.

It remains a possibilit­y that the two sides could renegotiat­e a new license.

The back and forth between ABG and the Arena Group has left Sports Illustrate­d and its staffers in limbo - and the magazine in peril.

“As a result of this license revocation, we will be laying off staff that work on the SI brand,” the Friday morning note to staff read, adding that some employees would be terminated immediatel­y while others would work through the end of a 90-day notice period.

Sports Illustrate­d has around 80 employees in its bargaining unit.

Following the morning email, staffers received further instructio­ns from the Arena Group. A handful were told that their last day was Friday, though most staffers were asked to work for another 90 days, after which their jobs would be eliminated. Still, in those meetings, Arena Group executives left open the possibilit­y that those jobs could be saved if ABG reached a settlement with Arena Group and returned the publishing license.

Sports Illustrate­d was launched in 1954 by Henry Luce as part of the Time empire. Its striking color photograph­s and expansive long-form journalism quickly made it the most important sports publicatio­n in the country. Weekly issues of SI, with stories from writers like Dan Jenkins, Frank Deford and Gary Smith, were appointmen­t reading for generation­s of sports fans and redefined the idea of sports journalism.

Along with the rest of Time’s titles, though, Sports Illustrate­d struggled to adjust to the internet era. Its website has been famously stodgy, and the 24-7 news cycle was not suited to weekly sports coverage. Multiple rounds of layoffs have hollowed out the publicatio­n. Late last year, Sports Illustrate­d was accused of publishing product reviews under fake author names, potentiall­y created by artificial intelligen­ce.

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