San Francisco Chronicle

Man arrested after ambulance is stolen with paramedic inside

- By Jessica Flores Reach Jessica Flores: jessica.flores@sfchronicl­; Twitter: @jesssmflor­es

A Sonoma man was arrested on suspicion of stealing an ambulance on Wednesday evening, prompting a police chase, authoritie­s said.

Just before 8 p.m., officers responded to a call from an employee at the Russian River Brewing Company about an individual who appeared to be “in an altered state,” the Santa Rosa Police Department said in a statement.

The suspected individual, 36-year-old Jorge Sanchez Rodriguez, asked to be taken to a hospital because he was having an anxiety attack, police officials said. When officers offered to drive Rodriguez to a hospital, he declined and said he wanted to be transporte­d by ambulance.

Two paramedics with the Sonoma County Fire District responded to evaluate Rodriguez, officials said. As one spoke with Rodriguez outside the ambulance and the other prepared the vehicle, Rodriguez jumped into the driver’s seat and fled with the second paramedic still inside, officials said.

A police chase ensued. Officers set up spike strips on Fourth Street that deflated two ambulance tires, but Rodriguez continued driving onto Sonoma Highway before eventually stopping at Providence Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital on Montgomery Drive, officials said.

Rodriguez was arrested and taken to Sonoma County Main Adult Detention Center. He was booked on felony charges and a misdemeano­r, including vehicle theft, reckless driving, kidnapping, resisting an executive officer and being under the influence of a controlled substance.

The paramedic who was in the vehicle during the chase was uninjured.

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