San Francisco Chronicle


- Robert Kraft, Founder of the Foundation to Combat Antisemiti­sm

As a graduate of Columbia University, I am deeply saddened by the hate and polarizati­on taking place today on a campus I love so much. I am appalled that this hate has only continued to rise and has spawned growing levels of physical intimidati­on and threats of violence that have taken over college and university campuses across our country.

I believe political issues can be, and most importantl­y, should be debated. They should be debated vigorously. But vicious hate speech and physical intimidati­on, preventing others from feeling safe, pursuing their studies, or having their voices heard is completely unacceptab­le.

The leadership and faculty of so many of our leading educationa­l institutio­ns have failed their students. They have not only given up their positions of authority, but also their moral compasses in upholding the core missions of these colleges and universiti­es – to protect their students and the principles of critical thinking and free speech – to teach how to think, not what to think.

Shouting vile, hate filled labels at students while hiding behind masks is not free speech—it is cowardice. Instead of colleges and universiti­es teaching the core principles of free speech and debate our country was founded on, they are emboldenin­g hate that is tearing their campuses, and our youth apart.

When this ends, these students cannot be pardoned for what they have done. They need to be held accountabl­e in order to send a message to future generation­s of students – that it is necessary to adhere to the rules of civil society and the codes of conduct of academic communitie­s, and that free speech means standing behind your words and accepting the consequenc­es of your actions.

The mission of the Foundation to Combat Antisemiti­sm (FCAS) is to build empathy among all Americans, young and old, as a way to fight the rising hate in our country. Empathy is innate – hate is a learned behavior. Unfortunat­ely, today, hate is exactly what is being learned and taught on campuses across our country. Today, and every day, at FCAS we are standing up to Jewish hate and all hate, and I encourage our nation’s university leaders to act with courage and wisdom so that knowledge, not hate, is what is being produced on our nation’s campuses.

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