San Francisco Chronicle

S.F. redevelopm­ent plan includes 115 senior homes

- By Laura Waxmann Reach Laura Waxmann: laura.waxmann@ sfchronicl­

A $2.3 billion redevelopm­ent to remake an aging 382-unit housing cooperativ­e in San Francisco’s Fillmore District could include more than 100 homes earmarked specifical­ly for seniors.

An applicatio­n filed earlier this month with the city’s Planning Department by MacFarlane Partners, the developer spearheadi­ng the remake of the so-called Freedom West co-op, proposes the constructi­on of a new 115-unit, 100% affordable senior building with a 1,200square-foot ground floor commercial space at the corner of Laguna and McAllister streets.

The building is one component of the larger Freedom West 2.0 project, which, when built, will place more than 2,300 market-rate units and 505 affordable homes at 820 McAllister St. The new affordable homes will include replacemen­t units for residents of the existing coop, which is slated to be demolished.

The project also includes plans for a 250room hotel along Fulton Street, a day care center and an “innovation technology” center.

The senior housing building would consist of 80 one-bedroom and 35 two-bedroom apartments and rise in the place of an existing building that currently has 24 two-bedroom units, 19 of which are occupied. Under California’s Density Bonus law, the project is requesting 33 feet in “bonus height,” which would increase the building’s height above the area’s 40-foot height limit,

The project also includes plans for a 250-room hotel along Fulton Street, a day care center and an “innovation technology” center.

growing it to a total of 73 feet, or seven stories.

A representa­tive for MacFarlane Partners confirmed Tuesday that the senior building would be first in line for constructi­on once the project breaks ground, thanks to SB35, which streamline­s and expedites the constructi­on of affordable housing.

The building’s constructi­on means that Freedom West’s most vulnerable residents will be relocated into new housing with “greater alacrity,” the representa­tive said.

Some 60% of the Freedom West residents, or shareholde­rs, are seniors, and many have lived in the community for decades. They’ve agreed to sell twothirds of the property to the developers for redevelopm­ent into market-rate housing, but only after the replacemen­t units and new affordable units have been delivered.

The developmen­t team initially submitted an applicatio­n in 2020 indicating that it planned to replace the existing co-op units and add new market-rate homes and affordable homes.

The Freedom West 2.0 project has yet to win its approvals — and, like most other large developmen­t efforts in San Francisco in recent years, it faced delays as it struggled to secure financing in a changing market in the wake of the pandemic. But late last year, it received a needed boost by CommonSpir­it Health, the largest Catholic nonprofit health system in the country, which, through its impact investment program, allocated $5 million to the redevelopm­ent plan.

MacFarlane’s CEO, Landon Taylor, told the Chronicle at the time that his team and management partner Avanath Capital Management had also raised $27 million in operationa­l stabilizat­ion and predevelop­ment funding for the project. He said previously that the team faces close to $581 million in upfront costs for the project’s first phase, before the market-rate units can be built and profits can be made.

According to the most recent timeline given for the project, the entitlemen­t process is expected to wrap up by next year, and constructi­on could start in late 2025.

 ?? Photos by DLR Group ?? A rendering shows the proposed building at 880 McAllister St., a part of the larger Freedom West developmen­t that will include more than 100 units of affordable housing for senior citizens.
Photos by DLR Group A rendering shows the proposed building at 880 McAllister St., a part of the larger Freedom West developmen­t that will include more than 100 units of affordable housing for senior citizens.
 ?? ?? The senior housing building would consist of 80 one-bedroom and 35 two-bedroom apartments and rise in the place of an existing building.
The senior housing building would consist of 80 one-bedroom and 35 two-bedroom apartments and rise in the place of an existing building.

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