San Francisco Chronicle

U.S. antitrust laws turn tables on tech empires

- By Michael Liedtke

SAN FRANCISCO — The U.S. Justice Department’s double-barreled antitrust attack on Google’s dominant search and Apple’s trendsetti­ng iPhone is reviving memories of the epic battle that hobbled Microsoft before it roared back to yet again become the world’s most valuable company.

The parallels to the Justice Department’s landmark antitrust case in 1998 could provide a window into the potential breakthrou­ghs that could be unleashed if regulators succeed in their attempts to crack down on Google and Apple.

Federal lawyers have even gone as far as to assert Google and Apple may never have created so many popular products or become as powerful as they are now if Microsoft hadn’t been reined in a quarter century ago.

In closing arguments of a Washington, D.C., trial that began last September, regulators Thursday will apply the finishing touches to a case alleging Google has turned its search engine into an illegal monopoly that stifles competitio­n and innovation. The Apple case, which was only filed a month ago, is still years away from its resolution.

Although regulators have lodged separate complaints against Google and Apple, the two cases are shadowed by Microsoft’s legal saga that began when both those were mere specks on the technology landscape.

When they went after Google in October 2020, regulators compared the lucrative deals that the company cut with Apple to lock its search engine into the iPhone and Safari web browser to the same tactics Microsoft deployed in its personal computer software to block competitio­n.

And in the antitrust lawsuits that they filed against Apple last month, the Justice Department pointed back to complaints that company cofounder Steve Jobs had raised in 1998 against Microsoft’s “dirty tactics” while urging regulators to take steps to force the PC software maker “to play fair.”

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