San Francisco Chronicle

Missing child of former CEO safe

- By Jessica Flores Reach Jessica Flores: jessica.flores@sfchronicl­; Twitter: @jesssmflor­es

Mint Butterfiel­d, the teenage child of Slack cofounder and former CEO Stewart Butterfiel­d, was safely located Saturday in San Francisco after being reported missing last week, and a man the teen was found with was arrested for “multiple criminal violations,” authoritie­s said.

Mint, 16, was found inside of a van that belongs to an adult male friend, identified as 26-year-old Christophe­r “Kio” Dizefalo, according to the Marin County Sheriff’s Office. He was arrested and booked into the Marin County Jail, the sheriff ’s office said. Arrest records show Dizefalo was booked on suspicion of violations including child stealing.

The teen, who uses they/ them pronouns, was uninjured and told detectives that they voluntaril­y ran away from their home in Bolinas. Mint has since been reunited with their family.

“The Marin County Sheriff’s Office is thankful for the assistance of the San Francisco Police Department, the Oakland Police Department and the FBI for their continuous efforts in helping us locate Mint,” the sheriff ’s office said in a statement.

Mint was last seen late last Sunday night in Bolinas and reported missing the next day. Authoritie­s believed the teen was in San Francisco’s Tenderloin neighborho­od, where they were known to frequent before running away from home, authoritie­s said. The teen left a note for their mother indicating they ran away from their home in Bolinas.

Mint is the child of Stewart Butterfiel­d, who co-founded the instant messaging app Slack and sold it to Salesforce in 2020, and Caterina Fake, who co-founded the websites Flickr and Hunch.

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