San Francisco Chronicle

Janice Eileen Newfield

September 6, 1942 - March 8, 2024


Janice Eileen Newfield (Humphrey), age 81, died in San Francisco, Calif., on March 8, 2024, after a long illness. She was born to loving parents, Florence and Leonard Humphrey, in Chicago, Ill., on September 6, 1942. She leaves behind four younger siblings, Constance, Terrence, Christine, and Thomas; and long-time devoted friend, Alice.

Jan was innately intelligen­t, well-educated, extremely well read, and avidly pursued her insatiable interest in current events. Immensely creative, and passionate for the arts, she saw life as her palette which she deeply expressed in her pensive poetry and original artwork. Concerned with the welfare of those encounteri­ng struggle, Jan promoted numerous charities and always cheered on the underdog. Her occupation aligned well with these personal traits. As a high school teacher, and later a tutor, she not only perfected her lesson plans, but she also celebrated the uniqueness and what she saw as, limitless potential of each of her apt students. She was happiest creating beauty in her environmen­t or feeling deeply moved by a passionate love or poignant human-interest story. Most importantl­y, she loved her ‘people connection­s’ and derived immense pleasure from magical moments spent with friends and family. She was always able to enjoy a good laugh.

Jan deeply embraced the concept of an afterlife, peaceful, just, unconditio­nally loving, and predicated on kindness. That she would find peace and be treated with kindness upon leaving this world. Let us hold this thought and hold Jan in our hearts. Janice will be remembered with some sadness, but also compassion, respect, admiration and above all, love. She will be missed.

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