San Francisco Chronicle



Cumulative fund total as of Dec. 20: $11,329,675 The following donations were received by the Season of Sharing Fund on or before Dec. 11:

Advocate ($1,000-$1,499): Sarah, Jesse, Allison and Alex Eisenhardt, in honor of Betsy Eisenhardt; William Furlong; Peter Rosenthal.

Supporter ($500-$999): M. Kathleen Archambeau and Marlene J. Barneveld; J. Canfield and B. Goldberg, in memory of Dan Goldberg; Ralph and Denise Cooper, in memory of Glenn Cooper, Dennis Wurm and Michael Harrington; Robyn and Bill Jagust; the Warren and Jo Anne Keller Donor Fund; Nancy and David Kingsbury, in memory of Viginia Kingsbury; Gary Schoofs and Susan Bracker; Cole and Sonia Smith.

Collaborat­or ($250-$499): Bruce and Betty Alberts, in memory of our cousin, Hugo Carissimo; Ms. Charles Zetta Baker; Jerry Carlson, in memory of my parents, Ralph and Alice Carlson; Anonymous, in memory of December Birthdays; Douglas Hanlin and Kelvin Lynch, in memory of Kathryn M. Hanlin; Karen and Brad Hart, in memory of James Elam; Wendy Arnold Pomerantz; David and Tzaddi Thompson; Howard and Judie Wexler.

Contributo­r ($100-$249): Anonymous, in memory of Charles Bigelow; Robert Patrick Corr; Anonymous, in memory of Mary G. Dibble; Gerson and Leslie Finlev; Michele Garside; Linda Kehoe Goldstrom, in memory of my beloved sister, Barbara Kehoe; The Kellys, in honor of Cynthia and Igor Abramov; The Kellys, in honor of Sue and Scott Applin; Susan Kelso, in memory of Bob and Helen Barnes; Robert Kunde and Martha Rodriguez; Sandy Morgan; Joyce Pacheco; Jessica Schackne; Bruce L. Wodhams; Rev. Terry Wolfe, in honor of V.V.G.S.A.

Friend ($50-$99): Bev Shomaker.

Additional donations: Ann and Susan, in memory of James A. Schwirian; Jean and Dean Byington, in memory of Bennett and

Elinore Bloomfield; Moe and Gloria Cevallos; Marc Katz and Laura Gasser; Ronald Lorenz; Lynn Bjork Mannix; Ryan Miyasaki, DDS; Judy Paraventi, in memory of Paul Paraventi; Barbara Perkins; Bryan and Ernie Porter, in memory of Lynn Porter; Chuck and Sue Raznikov; Karen Rhodes and Robert Weiner; Esther Rosha-Stadtler, in memory of Rywka Lenczner; Steven Souza; Carolyn Sweeney; Marcello and Susan Todaro; Holly and Jay Williams.

Anonymous donations in honor of: Cynthia and Igor Abramov; Ed and Meg Cupman; Ira Hirschfiel­d and Tom Hansen; Libby and Chris Kelly; Claudia Quinn; Leah Schein.

Anonymous donations in memory of: Madge and Pat Adams; Jim Scrivani.

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