San Francisco Chronicle (Sunday)

Mortgage rates hit two-year low: Seizing opportunit­ies amid rising competitio­n

- Scott Baer, California Mortgage Advisors, 415-451-4110,

Over the past two years, the cost of goods and services has been rising dramatical­ly, putting pressure on household budgets. However, with the recent drop in mortgage rates, many homeowners and prospectiv­e buyers are finding a welcome opportunit­y for financial relief. Lower rates are opening doors to more affordable housing options, refinancin­g benefits, and long-term savings.

Mortgage rates have recently fallen to their lowest point in two years, creating a rare window of opportunit­y for prospectiv­e homebuyers and homeowners looking to refinance. However, this rate drop comes with a catch: more buyers are entering the market, driving up competitio­n for available properties. While this offers great potential, it’s important to be aware of both the opportunit­ies and the risks.

“One key advantage in today’s environmen­t is that you can always take advantage of current low rates and refinance later if rates drop even further.”

1. Buyers

For those who have been sitting on the sidelines, now is a great time to buy. However, with more buyers flooding the market to take advantage of lower rates, competitio­n for homes is growing, leading to potential bidding wars, particular­ly in high-demand areas.

2. Refinancin­g

Homeowners can also benefit from this rate drop by refinancin­g their current mortgages. Lower rates mean lower monthly payments or the chance to shorten the loan term.

Pitfalls of ‘Catching a Falling Knife’

While it may be tempting to wait for rates to drop even further, this strategy — known as “catching a falling knife” — can be risky. Mortgage rates are notoriousl­y volatile and influenced by factors like inflation, government policy, and economic shifts. Trying to time the market perfectly for the lowest rate may lead to missed opportunit­ies.

Take a Good Thing Now

One key advantage in today’s environmen­t is that you can always take advantage of current low rates and refinance later if rates drop even further. This “take a good thing now” approach allows you to lock in a low rate and capitalize on the opportunit­y. If rates continue to fall, refinancin­g gives you the flexibilit­y to secure an even better deal later on. However, if rates increase, you’ve already benefited from locking in a favorable rate now. This strategy helps avoid the pitfalls of waiting and missing out on a good opportunit­y today.

In this competitiv­e and fast-moving market, working with a seasoned mortgage profession­al is more crucial than ever. Experience­d mortgage profession­als can guide buyers and homeowners through the complex and often stressful process of securing financing. Their deep knowledge of the market allows them to help clients find the best rates, navigate various loan options, and ensure they meet critical deadlines.

If you’re looking to take advantage of these lower mortgage rates, I’m here to help you make the natural choice for your mortgage needs. Reach out to me for personaliz­ed guidance and solutions.

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