San Francisco Chronicle (Sunday)

No-fuss eggplant dish for waning days of summer

- By Christian Reynoso Reach Christian Reynoso: food@sfchronicl­

I’m hosting a dinner party soon to celebrate late summer, and my menu is still taking shape in my mind. I think I’ll be grilling thick, bone-in pork chops rubbed with a blend of cumin, fennel seeds and brown sugar. I’ll also grill some olive oilsoaked bread until it’s golden and crispy on the outside while still having a bit of chew in the middle. To maximize the grill space, I’ll add some peaches to the mix. They’ll be delicious with a light char, but I won’t want to cook them for too long. They should be warm and just slightly softened; if they get a bit juicy, that’s ideal. When you slice into them, they’ll create a tender, warm, fruity condiment for the pork chops.

For a side, I’d like to serve a

simple salad, perhaps a mix of crunchy romaine and fresh herbs, dressed lightly with lemon juice and olive oil.

As for vegetables, I keep circling back to the humble eggplant. Which I know, I know, is actually a fruit. There are so many ways to cook and serve it, but I’m looking for a straightfo­rward yet delicious preparatio­n that I can do ahead of time while I’m busy at the grill. And, of course, I have the perfect solution.

One of the best and simplest ways to cook eggplant is in a pan. With just a little olive oil, I can sear the eggplant until it’s golden brown and has a custard-like texture. In that same pan, I can whip up a sauce! Eggplant loves olive oil, so I’ll start by sizzling some garlic in it. Maybe I’ll add fennel seeds, which will contribute a cooling, slightly licorice flavor that pairs beautifull­y with the eggplant. For acidity, I could use lemon juice, but red wine vinegar complement­s eggplant wonderfull­y, especially when combined with tomatoes. Lastly, I’ll finish it off with some fresh herbs — oregano or basil will work nicely.

Yes, I will definitely make all of this, particular­ly the eggplant. Perhaps you’d like to join me?

 ?? Christian Reynoso/Special to the Chronicle ?? nd
This easy side dish celebrates late summer with the humble eggplant cooked in a pan and drizzled with olive oil and oregano.
Christian Reynoso/Special to the Chronicle nd This easy side dish celebrates late summer with the humble eggplant cooked in a pan and drizzled with olive oil and oregano.

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