San Francisco Chronicle (Sunday)

Phyllis Lucas

12/14/1934 - 09/04/2024


Phyllis Anne Johnson was born on December 14,

1934 in San Francisco, a fifth generation California­n, and the first child of Max and

Mary Johnson. When she was very young, she moved to Stockton with her parents while her father completed his degree at the College of the Pacific.

In 1936, Phyllis returned with her family to their hometown of Sonoma where her grandparen­ts, aunts, uncles, and cousins lived. Her as a Camp Fire Girls leader, a father was hired as the music Girl Scout Leader, Cub Scout teacher at both Sonoma High Den Mother, 4-H leader and School and Sonoma Grammar Catechism teacher. School. Her brother, Lee, In 1980, after a 20-year was born when she was 3 1/2 hiatus, Phyllis returned to years old. teaching. She taught for 15

Phyllis attended Sonoma more years at Suisun Valley Grammar School, and kept School, retiring in 1995. She busy with Camp Fire, dance taught second through fifth lessons, and Catechism grades and trained many classes. Summers were spent student teachers. on her mother’s family ranch Phyllis saw her three picking prunes in the morning children graduate from college and swimming with her and start families. Phyllis cousins in the afternoon. became a grandmothe­r in

Phyllis started high school 1991, eventually having eight at Sonoma Valley Union grandchild­ren. When her High School, but moved grandchild­ren were young to Petaluma during her they loved going to Grammy sophomore year when her and Grumpy’s house for father took a job teaching family gatherings, to swim music in the Petaluma City in the pool, and read the Schools. She graduated from books Grammy had saved Petaluma Senior High School for them. Phyllis maintained where she played the clarinet close relationsh­ips with her in the school band, was the grandchild­ren, and as they Snowball Queen of the winter got older, they continued to dance, and was Senior Class be frequent visitors. Secretary. Phyllis loved entertaini­ng

In the fall of 1952, Phyllis family and friends. She began college at San Jose enjoyed trips to San Francisco State College to pursue a career where she had season in education. She loved tickets to the Opera for more her college years and being a than 30 years. She loved member of the Kappa Kappa to needlepoin­t and created Gamma Sorority. During her intricate needlepoin­t pillows sophomore year she met her and Christmas stockings. She future husband Richard Lucas was an avid reader and loved who was attending Santa learning about history. Dick Clara University. In 1956, she and Phyllis enjoyed travel and graduated with distinctio­n together visited at least 18 from San Jose State, and took countries on four continents. a position teaching first grade Phyllis will be remembered at Laurel School in Menlo for her kindness and generosity, Park. her sense of humor, her

Phyllis married Frank Richard keen interest in everyone she (Dick) Lucas on August 8, met, her unfailing memory, 1959. They welcomed their and her strength and tenacity

nd first child Jennifer in 1960, during her nearly twenty while Dick was finishing years of living with Guillain– law school. Their second Barré syndrome. daughter, Sarah, was born in Phyllis is survived by her Sacramento where the family children, Jennifer Young and had moved for Dick’s first job. her husband John Matcovich,

In 1963, Phyllis, Dick and Sarah Lucas, and Matthew daughters moved to Solano Lucas and his wife Amanda County, an area that would Lucas, and her grandchild­ren, be their home for many years. Cecelia Young, Freddy Young, They first lived in Fairfield, Lucy Young, Luke Sturges, where their son Matthew was Nathan Sturges, Ryan born in 1965. In 1970, the Lucas and Will Lucas. She is family moved to Green Valley. predecease­d by her husband During the years the children Dick Lucas, her brother were in school, Phyllis was Lee Johnson, her grandson very active in the community. Andrew Lucas, and her son-inlaw She served on the Solano Peter Sturges. County Grand Jury, was the A funeral Mass will be president of the Lawyer’s held for Phyllis at Holy Spirit Wives Associatio­n, gave Catholic Church in Fairfield courthouse tours to students, on September 18, 2024, at and was a member of the 11:00 a.m. In lieu of flowers, Intercommu­nity Hospital donations can be made to Guild and Board. She also NorthBay Hospice. assisted in her children’s Arrangemen­ts entrusted to classrooms and volunteere­d Bryan-Braker Funeral Home,

(707) 425-4697.

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