San Francisco Chronicle (Sunday)

Barbara Joan Larkins

05/15/1928 - 07/30/2024


Born in San Francisco on May 15, 1928, Barbara Joan Larkins passed away peacefully at her home in San Rafael on July 30, 2024. Her parents were John Aniblo Zaro and Josephine Sarah Arata. Barbara had two older brothers, Robert and John Zaro, who doted on her and whom she loved and admired. Barbara grew up in San Bruno, and graduated from Burlingame High School. She went to college at Lone Mountain in San Francisco, where her favorite subject was Spanish; she loved that language, which she sprinkled in conversati­on throughout her life. After graduation, she taught in San Francisco public elementary schools.

Through Lone Mountain and USF social circles, Barbara met William Larkins, who after Marine Corps service in WWII and graduation from USF, had gone into business with his twin brother, Ken. Barbara and Bill married in February of 1954, and moved to Kentfield. Through sunny summers and pounding winter rains, they raised four children. Barbara stayed home and raised the kids, while Bill and Ken succeeded in building Larkins Bros. Tire Company, on So. Van Ness in SF. They sold the company in 1986, but it still operates under the Larkins name at the same address. Barbara and Bill lived in Kent Woodlands for 50 years. In 2005, they moved to Villa Marin in San Rafael.

As her children grew up, Barbara got involved in a number of volunteer activities. For decades she served as a lector and Eucharisti­c minister at St. Anselm Catholic parish in Ross. She was a “pink lady” at Marin General Hospital. Perhaps her most rewarding volunteer work was helping elementary school students develop their English reading skills in an after-school program in San Rafael, where most of the children were from families who spoke primarily Spanish. And Barbara was also very attentive to her elderly parents and aunts. Those who knew her respected Barbara’s intelligen­ce, toughness and determinat­ion, but she had a big heart and a soft side.

Barbara enjoyed fishing with her children and, later, grandchild­ren. She loved practical jokes. If you found a plastic snake in your sheets, that meant she liked you. Beginning in their 40’s, Barbara and Bill traveled extensivel­y. For decades, Bill and Barbara hosted countless dinner parties for their legion of friends. Some of those evenings were legendary, with singing around the piano until well past closing time. While Bill kept the glasses full and put everyone at ease with his quick wit, Barbara served great food and was always the life of the party. After 62 years of marriage, Bill died in 2016.

Barbara is survived by her four children, Bill Jr. (Shelley), Portland; Joan Robertson, MD, Seattle; Paul (Jeane), Denver; and Robert, San Francisco; and by ten grandchild­ren; and eleven great-grandchild­ren. Proud of her Italian heritage, to all of them she was “Nona.”

Barbara’s life will be celebrated at a Mass at St. Anselm Church in Ross on Saturday, November 16, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. In lieu of flowers, the family suggests donations to the St. Vincent de Paul Society or to a youth literacy non-profit.

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