Rome News-Tribune

County to decide on speedway rezoning

- By Diane Wagner

The Floyd County Commission is slated to decide Tuesday on a proposed rezoning of 120 acres off Chulio Road that contains the Rome Motor Speedway.

Plans are to change the zoning from Suburban Residentia­l to Heavy Industrial use. They face significan­t opposition from nearby neighbors but have the backing of the Rome-floyd Developmen­t Authority.

There’s no definitive plan for the site yet.

The Rome-floyd Planning Commission and the planning department staff both recommende­d denial, but with a provision that would allow the proposal to come back as soon as there is a specific use. The RFCDA has said there’s a need for large vacant sites to market to potential industries.

Commission­ers are scheduled to vote on the applicatio­n following a public hearing. It’s set for the board’s 6 p.m. meeting at the County Administra­tion Building, 12 E. Fourth Ave.

A premeeting caucus that starts at 4 p.m. also is open to the public for an update on the county’s facilities. The board then plans to go into a closed session to discuss property acquisitio­n, litigation, and personnel.

Among the other items on the regular meeting agenda are several proposed public safety acquisitio­ns.

The Floyd County Jail is asking to use $45,610 for a Wi-fi project by the sole responsive bidder, Romebased Logical Systems Inc. The contract would be funded with inmate boarding fees.

The Public Works Department wants to install a $4,400 solar-powered radar sign on Sproull Road using fines collected via the Redspeed cameras set up at school zones. There are school bus stops along that stretch of road and Police Chief Mark Wallace supports the project.

The Floyd County Police Department is asking permission to accept a grant that would pay for an electronic­s detection K-9 valued at $20,000 and include $3,000 for the dog’s future expenses.

Other spending proposals up for considerat­ion Tuesday include $101,455 for field wall pads at Adventheal­th Stadium to be funded through the 2017 SPLOST, and a $484,512 match from the county water department that is required to accept a $1.9 million grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

 ?? John Druckenmil­ler ?? Heavy industrial zoning is sought for the Rome Speedway and adjoining acreage stretching from Chulio Road to U.S. 411 east of town. More than 300 people have signed a petition opposing the rezoning.
John Druckenmil­ler Heavy industrial zoning is sought for the Rome Speedway and adjoining acreage stretching from Chulio Road to U.S. 411 east of town. More than 300 people have signed a petition opposing the rezoning.

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