Rome News-Tribune

Rome to consider an overlay district with no vape shops

- By Diane Wagner

The Rome City Commission is expected to unveil on Monday an overlay district that would effectivel­y bar the sale of vape products downtown. A ban on coin-operated amusement machines also is included.

A first reading is scheduled for the board’s regular meeting

The new Etowah RiverTurne­r Mccall Overlay District would include all the property south of Turner Mccall Boulevard that is encircled by the Etowah and Oostanaula rivers. It also covers the adjacent area across the Oostanaula that is bounded by Turner Mccall and North Second Avenue.

The ordinance includes an amortizati­on period for existing retailers to recoup their investment in vape products and COAMS, which are known colloquial­ly as ding dings. No new stores would be allowed.

A presentati­on on the proposed ordinance is scheduled for the board’s 5 p.m. caucus with action set for the 6:30 p.m. regular meeting.

Both sessions in City Hall, 601 Broad St., are public.

Commission­ers also have public hearings set for three rezoning requests, all recommende­d for approval by the Rome Floyd Planning Commission.

Owners of homes at 202 E. 11th St. and 13 Orlystus Drive are seeking singlefami­ly residentia­l zoning to reflect the existing use and allow the properties to be sold.

The owner of the property at 101 Piedmont Drive is asking for a special use permit to allow a duplex. The home was built as a duplex and converted to a single family home. Now they want to convert it back into a duplex.

City Manager Sammy Rich also is scheduled to announce that city offices will be closed for Labor Day on Monday, Sept. 1.

Monday’s garbage, yard waste and recycling will be serviced on Tuesday. Tuesday’s will be collected on Wednesday, and Thursday and Friday will be serviced as normal.

The Walker Mountain Landfill will be closed on Labor Day.

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