Rome News-Tribune

Floyd BOE to vote on millage rate July 26

- By Rachel Hartdegen

The Floyd County Board of Education will hold a called meeting on Friday, July 26, to adopt the new millage rate of 17.141 mills.

Superinten­dent Glenn White had initially proposed a tax rate of 17.136 mills for Floyd County Schools to the board in June. He explained at the meeting that the rate may change depending on county assessment­s. The final millage rate increased by 0.005 points.

White stated that the increase was expected because the preliminar­y rate was provided before the county finished their property appraisals.

This is the proposed tax rate for the school district and does not include the tax rate for the Floyd County government.

The school tax rate this year is lower than in previous years, and the new rate is termed a rollback rate. The rollback rate is the calculated amount the millage rate must be reduced to ensure that people pay the same amount as the previous year.

White said that this will be the first time Floyd County Schools have approved a rollback rate in 25 years.

Over the last 10 years, Floyd County Schools has worked to decrease the millage rate. White shared the tax rates for the last five years. The millage rate for 2019 and 2020 remained the same at 18.25 mills. The rate then began dropping to 18.20 mills in 2021, 17.95 mills in 2022, and 17.70 mills in 2023. White said that the 2024 millage rate of 17.141 mills is the lowest in the county schools since 2001.

The called meeting will be open to the public. White said that the meeting’s purpose is to set the tax rate, but it’s also an opportunit­y for people to ask any questions or make comments on the new rate.

 ?? ?? Glenn White
Glenn White

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