Rome News-Tribune

Calhoun farm gets grant to boost hiring

- From staff reports

Rise ‘N Shine Organic Farm in Calhoun has been awarded a $200,000 federal grant through a pilot program aimed at improving the resiliency of the U.S. food chain.

The family operation is among the 141 awardees in 40 states sharing the $50 million allocated this year in the U.S. Department of Agricultur­e’s new Farm Labor Stabilizat­ion and Protection Pilot Program.

“These awards will largely support small and mid-sized farms to ensure they can hire and retain the workers they need to be competitiv­e in the market, while also lifting up rural communitie­s across the country,” said Agricultur­e Secretary Tom Vilsack in a Friday release.

Rise ‘N Shine will use their FLSP award to bolster recruitmen­t and retention of their farmworker­s through well-being and working condition improvemen­ts, the announceme­nt states.

“This farming operation plans to commit to the following improvemen­ts: a bonus payment plan, paid sick leave plan, establishi­ng a weekly housing maintenanc­e plan, and creating a collaborat­ive working group,” it reads. “These hard investment­s will, in turn, make the farm more productive and resilient to farm labor shortages.”

Starting out in 2005 with two acres of leased land in Ranger, Mitch and Elisabeth Lawson now work nearly 30 acres of cultivated land along the Oostanaula River in the Curryville community north of Calhoun. With the help of high tunnel hoop houses, they are able to supply more than 40 types of organic produce year-round. Their farm boxes include choices from a range of Georgia artisans as well, including bread from Sunflour Community Bakery in Rome, cheeses from Sweet Grass Dairy in Thomasvill­e and meats from Rock House Farm & Creamery in Morgan County.

The amount of the FLSP awards ranged from $25,000 to $1,200,000.

USDA announced the program in September 2023 to help address workforce needs in agricultur­e; promote a safe and healthy work environmen­t as well as ethical recruitmen­t for farmworker­s; and support lawful migration pathways for workers, including expansion of labor pathways for workers from Northern Central America, through the H-2A visa program.

 ?? Elizabeth Crumbly, file ?? Mitch Lawson, who owns Rise ‘N Shine Organic Farm, a certified organic operation, with his wife, Elisabeth, stands in a greenhouse full of spinach in this file photo from March 2019.
Elizabeth Crumbly, file Mitch Lawson, who owns Rise ‘N Shine Organic Farm, a certified organic operation, with his wife, Elisabeth, stands in a greenhouse full of spinach in this file photo from March 2019.

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