Rome News-Tribune

Business relationsh­ip is clouding couple’s response to partner’s affair


Dear Abby: My husband and I have a friend, “Sophie,” who is cheating on her husband of 25 years. Of course, this is not our business. But now, unbeknowns­t to her husband, she has incorporat­ed her lover into their everyday life. Her lover is from India and is also married. Sophie is now obsessed with all things Indian — wearing saris, dancing in her lover’s dance troupe and wearing henna all over.

My husband and I are involved in a small business with Sophie and her husband, and I’m growing more uncomforta­ble by the day as she constantly confides to me about her and her lover’s sex life, addictions, how she’s pursued him, etc. I told her she’s playing with fire. Now I remain silent, hoping she’ll stop. Meanwhile, she’s started a new business that has incorporat­ed him into her life on a daily basis.

We love Sofie’s husband. He’s a good man. I absolutely will never be the one to tell him what’s going on, but we need to get away from her. Without hurting the husband, what explanatio­n can we give for stepping away on a business and personal level?

— Knows Too Much

Dear Knows: Start by making yourself and your husband less available to socialize with these people. If Sophie continues to confide in you, tell her you do not approve and do not want to hear another word about her affair. You may not have to worry about keeping mum around the husband because, sooner or later, he is going to catch on to the fact that something is going on.

Because you did not mention how closely tied your financial interests are with Sophie and her husband, I will assume you are not solely dependent upon it. That is why you and your husband should consider telling Sophie’s husband that “considerin­g the state of the economy,” your financial picture has changed, and you will need to relinquish your interest in the business.

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