Rome News-Tribune

Chieftains workshops continue; summer camp dates are set

- By Severo Avila

Chieftains Museum is alive with history and activity as it gears up for another installmen­t of its Primitive Arts Workshops as well as accepting registrati­on for a fun and activity-filled summer camp.

The second of its Primitive Arts workshops will take place on Saturday, June 1 when Andrew Lee of The Primitive Arts LLC presents a bark basket workshop.

The workshop will take place from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the Chieftains Museum campus and will cover folded bark basketry. This workshop is usually broken into a morning session and an afternoon session, with six hours of instructio­n total. Logs and supplies will be provided, and students will be instructed in how to remove, fold and begin to dry a piece of bark. They will take this unfinished basket and other supplies home to complete on their own.

Next, students will be provided a pre-dried and folded basket to preform which they will use to construct a completed basket (attach handle, rim supports, etc.), and have the opportunit­y to add various embellishm­ents. Each student will take home their finished basket.

The number of students for this class is capped at eight, and because of some of the sharp tools involved, it is restricted to adults. No prior knowledge of or experience with basketry is necessary.

Upcoming workshops will cover Atlatl and darts as well as cordage and glue.

Each workshop is limited to eight students and will cost $100 per student. All materials are included in the cost to attend. To view the full schedule of workshops and to reserve your spot, visit the Chieftains Museum website at chieftains­ events or call 762-327-6124.

For families hoping for an activity-filled summer camp mixed with some rich history, Chieftains invites students to join them as they learn about Cherokee arts, traditiona­l stories, games and more at the upcoming summer camp which will run Monday June 3 through Friday, June 7 from 9 a.m. to noon.

Students who have just completed 2nd through 5th grade are eligible for this camp. Each day will include a nature walk, a lesson on Cherokee culture and history, and an arts project.

To register for camp, visit the Chieftains Museum website at www.chieftains­

The cost to attend camp is $150 per student. Chieftains Museum members receive a $25 discount on each registrati­on. Email director@chieftains­ or call 762327-6124 before registerin­g to receive your discount code.

Camp is limited to 30 students. The deadline to register is May 24. All materials are included in the cost to attend. Reserve your spot online at chieftains­ or call 762-327-6124.

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