Rome News-Tribune

Gifts given by mother-in-law look awfully familiar and are often broken


Dear Abby: I recently married “John,” the love of my life. I have a great relationsh­ip with my motherin-law, “Sarah.” She and my father-in-law are retired and well-off financiall­y. For each special occasion, John and I thoughtful­ly select gifts for his parents, and we have spent extra to ensure that our gifts convey our love and appreciati­on for them.

The problem is, Sarah gifts us trash, literally. On several occasions, we have received broken items in random boxes, items with missing pieces and used items, including kitchen and cooking utensils. This happens every holiday.

She has also gifted our child secondhand toys and clothes, most of which were already missing pieces or were several sizes too small.

After talking to other family members, I learned that Sarah has been gifting junk for years, but her family members have never addressed the issue with her for fear of upsetting her. My sister-in-law told me she has witnessed Sarah dig items out of her basement and wrap them as gifts.

Abby, this leaves a terrible taste in my mouth and has led me to feel a slight resentment toward Sarah. I believe her actions are disrespect­ful and in poor taste. I don’t want to cause hurt feelings, but I need this behavior to stop. How can I convey to Sarah that I need her to quit gifting us junk? — Regifted In North


Dear Regifted: Do it in plain English, with your husband present, before the next gift-giving occasion arises. Convey that if she has secondhand items she wants to get rid of, she should donate them to her favorite charity thrift shop. Then tell her you don’t need anything and, in the future, you would prefer she give you a nice card, preferably one that hasn’t been recycled.

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