Rockford Register Star

Alpine Kiwanis Club says thank you

- Karen Tilly and Kathy Vigna, Alpine Kiwanis Brat Day 2024 co-chairs

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Alpine Kiwanis Club of Rockford truly appreciate­s the community support in helping make our 2024 Alpine Kiwanis Brat Days a huge success.

A sincere thank you to our sponsors: Gold – Blue Cross Blue Shield and Rockford Hard Rock Casino; Silver - Gallagher, Anderson Automotive Group, Pearson Plumbing, Bachrodt, Lonnie's Carpet Max and i3Broadban­d; Coupon – Beefaroo, Pearson Plumbing, Mrs. Fisher's, Lask, Flood Pro, Advantage Kwik-Dry; Bronze - Midland States Bank, Klaas Financial, Union Savings Bank, Shelter Insurance, MembersAll­iance, LawnCare by Walter, Code1 Aviation, Woodward, Rockford Community Bank, Rasmussen University, Rivets, WIPFLI and Field Fastener; In-Kind – Meiborg, Berg Industries, Hoffman House, Meridian, Maggio Trucking, Blain's Farm & Fleet, Woodman's, CherryVale Mall, Ferrellgas, Image Signs, Mi-Box, Rush Power Systems, Pepsi, Johnsonvil­le and Mrs. Fisher's; Media - 23WIFR, B103 and 95.3.

A special thanks to 23WIFR for hosting Take Your Brat To Work on Friday. Thank you to CherryVale Mall and Blain's Farm & Fleet on East Riverside for generously providing space for our event. A huge thank you to the many volunteers that helped make this event happen – we couldn't have done it without you. And, a thank you to the entertaine­rs who gave their time and shared their talents for two days of music.

This year was our 53rd year for Alpine Kiwanis Brat Days. All proceeds from Brat Days are given directly to local non-profits and for scholarshi­ps to graduating high school seniors for post-secondary education or training. For the past 53 years, Alpine Kiwanis Club has given $2.5 million to our local community

The Alpine Kiwanis Club appreciate­s the support of the entire community for the success of our annual ‘signature' event.

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