Reader's Digest

Word Power ANSWERS 9 & below: Whisper 10-12: Whistle 13-15: Whoop


1. pseudo (b) phony

“Instead of listening to pseudo health experts on Instagram, why don’t you ask your doctor?”

2. gnu

(b) African antelope

Gnus have boxy faces and big horns.

3. codger (a) elderly oddball

Milton is a cranky codger who thinks smartphone­s are just a fad.

4. limn (c) outline

In Renaissanc­e paintings, golden halos limn the heads of saints.

5. apropos (b) suitable

Nora’s somber black outfit was more apropos for a funeral than a wedding.

6. wrack (a) ruin

Wracked by wildfires last

year, the island of Maui is working to rebuild.

7. coxswain (b) head sailor

As a coxswain in the Coast Guard, Ashley is responsibl­e for managing the boat and its crew.

8. aesthetic (c) attractive

Kai’s all-white living room is aesthetic, but not exactly practical with his three puppies.

9. knell (a) bell’s clang

After the queen died, the knells from the royal church rang for hours.

10. rapport (c) friendly relationsh­ip

I didn’t like my new boss at first, but we’ve developed a rapport.

11. chthonic (a) of the underworld

In Greek mythology, the chthonic watchdog Cerberus guarded the gates of hell.

12. aplomb (b) poise

The comedian handled the hecklers with aplomb, seeming to ignore their taunts.

13. evanesce (c) disappear like vapor

A rainbow suddenly appeared in the sky, then evanesced into thin air.

14. mitzvah (a) charitable deed

Isaac tries to perform a simple mitzvah every week, such as volunteeri­ng at a local soup kitchen.

15. viscount

(b) British nobleman

The TV show Bridgerton follows the romantic entangleme­nts of viscounts, dukes and duchesses.

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