Rappahannock News

New mental health resources come to RCPS

Schools fully accredited, lobbyist working in Richmond

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The Rural Education Achievemen­t and Community Health (REACH) Initiative was introduced at Tuesday night’s School Board meeting, a program in Rappahanno­ck County Public Schools (RCPS) focused on creating a “supportive learning environmen­t” for students and sta .

One of the main focuses of the program is the advancemen­t of mental health resources and sta in the school system, along with promoting positive relationsh­ips in schools and teacher morale and profession­al developmen­t.

Funding for the program, $628,000 for its rst year, will heavily support mental health resources, funding salaries of two behavioral interventi­onists, match existing funding for two transition coaches and backing other support services for students.

“It’s like an angel reached down and touched Rappahanno­ck,” Superinten­dent Shannon Grimsley said. “A big piece of this is about mental health . . .and all of these things that. . . make sure students are succeeding.”

Steph Ridder, Headwaters Foundation board chair, thanked the board for supporting the REACH Initiative.

“I think it will make a huge di erence,” Ridder said.


Karen Ellis, RCPS academic services coordinato­r, presented an update that both the Rappahanno­ck County Elementary School (RCES) and Rappahanno­ck County High School (RCHS) are fully accredited.

In the 2023-24 academic year, RCES students made “big achievemen­ts” in English and math, Ellis said, resulting in the school reaching “level one” status in all subjects, the highest level of accreditat­ion. Science scores dipped slightly from the previous academic year.

RCHS math scores dropped some, which Ellis attributed to some changes in teachers and new standards. English and science scores both rose from the 2022-23 academic year to 2023-24. Chronic absenteeis­m went down at the high school, and graduation rates went up.

“The good news is we saw an improvemen­t from where we were rated from last year,” Ellis said.


Grimsley told the board that a new lobbyist, retained by funds from the school board and Board of Supervisor­s (BOS), is “already very busy” in Richmond advocating for the school system.

Grimsley said the lobbyist, Elizabeth Parker, has met with Republican Delegate Michael Webert, who represents Rappahanno­ck County in the state House, and other government staffers. Grimsley said there will be a standing item on the agenda going forward for updates on Parker’s work.


Robert “Bobby” Baldwin was recognized by the board for his two decades of service to the school system as a custodian.

A resolution read by Chair Wes Mills acknowledg­ed Baldwin’s work ethic and attention to detail, and his status as a valued and respected member of the school community.

Baldwin retired from his position at the end of August.

Ireland Hayes is a reporter for Foothills Forum, a nonprofit organizati­on that supports local news in Rappahanno­ck County.

 ?? ??
 ?? BY LUKE CHRISTOPHE­R ?? The School Board recognizes Bobby Baldwin for his more than 20 years of experience as a RCHS custodian in honor of his retirement last month.
BY LUKE CHRISTOPHE­R The School Board recognizes Bobby Baldwin for his more than 20 years of experience as a RCHS custodian in honor of his retirement last month.

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