Rappahannock News

Down Memory Lane

- From Back Issues of the Rappahanno­ck News • Compiled by JAN CLATTERBUC­K


The subject of trash was a topic of lengthy discussion at this month’s supervisor­s’ meeting. John

McCarthy presented the board with a plan of the new county public convenienc­e site, to be located on Rock Mills Road south of U. S. 211 near the high school.

The new site, which will take the place of the Huntly and Scrabble dump sites, will have a seven-foot board fence with trees in front for screening and a seven-foot chain link fence with green plastic coating around the perimeter.

The site will also have four containers for trash disposal, containers for recyclable materials, a separate entrance and exit for garbage trucks and a manager’s station. The access road off of Rock Mills, which in the future will connect to the high school, will be paved. The site, however, will not have a paved surface.

The supervisor­s voted unanimousl­y to name the access road Flatwood Road.


Applause filled the courtroom Monday afternoon as Rappahanno­ck’s Board of Supervisor­s voted to look into the creation of a parking ordinance for the county. The decision was made after Peggy Ralph of Flint Hill spoke during the public comment session regarding what she perceived as a parking problem at the intersecti­on of Route 647 and Route 522 in Flint Hill.

“It’s an accident waiting to happen,” she said.

She told how she feared that someone would be hurt due to parking in the town of Flint Hill in areas which were clearly marked with signs prohibitin­g parking. “The big P with the line through it, that means ‘No Parking,’” said Ralph.

She said she was upset that there were no parking laws in the county and that nothing could be done about these cars, adding that some in power had told her to simply wait it out for an accident after which things would improve.

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