Rappahannock News

Celebrate spring races and our open spaces


What a fortunate coincidenc­e that National Ag Week, National Agricultur­al Literacy Week and the spring Point to Point race season all converge to illustrate the agricultur­al mission part of our Rappahanno­ck County Comprehens­ive Plan.

The foxhunting world, which includes the hunt spring races, is a special place full of excitement and certainly not restricted to the very rich. A decent riding ability and a sure-footed horse, some knowledge of hunting intricacie­s and courtesies, a willingnes­s to learn, plus an invitation by a hunt’s master, are the real necessitie­s.

There’s something about it, the sociabilit­y, getting up on a crisp morning and grooming an alert horse in anticipati­on of the day’s meet. Then it’s the glory of coursing through twisting trails, over hills and trappy territory.

Some hunts have social membership­s where nonriding members can participat­e in the multitude of activities that occur year round, learning the vast ways foxhunters focus on their agricultur­al and ecological environmen­t in our county. Grandparen­ts can introduce

grandchild­ren to these healthy outdoor activities. Parents with young children moving into the county can participat­e in the fun. Some hunts have second and third generation­s riding and learning the responsibl­e partnershi­p with animals and nature.

How to start? Our library has books by Rita Mae Brown featuring Hunt Master “Sister” Jane. Each has fascinatin­g descriptio­ns of foxhunting terms and characters woven into her stories.

Old Dominion Hounds has its spring Point to Point races Saturday, April 6, starting at noon at Ben Venue, just off Route 211. Take some friends with a tailgate picnic, buy programs which explain the day and mix with fellow racegoers to learn more about this grand, healthy, outdoor life, another reason to support agricultur­al activities that give our beloved county the vast open spaces emphasized in its Comprehens­ive Plan.

Celebrate agricultur­al recognitio­ns and explore the possibilit­ies that await your participat­ion here. Sheila Gresinger Washington

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