Rappahannock News

Rapp Center for Education announces new classes

Volmrich named executive director


The Rappahanno­ck Center for Education (RappCE) is o ering new community enrichment and lifelong learning classes this spring.

Are you a fan of history? Consider taking a short class on Pearl Harbor, the Great Depression or Rappahanno­ck County and the Civil War. Interested in current politics? Consider a class on the Middle East or Modern Europe. Class topics also include literature,

y shing, birding and Microso Excel. All are taught by local experts who volunteer their time.

Enrollment is now open, and some classes are beginning this week. To register and learn more, visit: rappce. org. The newly launched website (thanks to Director of Marketing Kim Myers) also lists current and upcoming healthcare and culinary certi cate programs that are designed to expand employment opportunit­ies for working adults.

RappCE is also pleased to announce the promotion of Shauna Volmrich as the organizati­on's executive director. For the past year and a half, Volmrich has served as RappCE's director of operations. Since then, the organizati­on has continued to flourish, improving the lives of people in the county.

As executive director, Volmrich will guide the organizati­on in offering new and dynamic lifelong learning and workforce training courses that enhance knowledge, employabil­ity and quality of life with the goal of building and sustaining a stronger community. In 2023, RappCE served 54 students in four core courses: clinical medical assisting, phlebotomy, x-ray tech and butchery.

Since the organizati­on's founding, more than 300 students have taken courses to launch new careers, and more than 600 county residents have participat­ed in lifelong learning classes building knowledge and creating community.

 ?? COURTESY RAPPCE/BY KIMBERLY NICOLE PHOTOGRAPH­Y ?? RappCE offers healthcare certificat­e programs, in addition to lifelong learning and butchery classes.
COURTESY RAPPCE/BY KIMBERLY NICOLE PHOTOGRAPH­Y RappCE offers healthcare certificat­e programs, in addition to lifelong learning and butchery classes.
 ?? ?? Shauna Volmrich
Shauna Volmrich

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