
NY Times sues Microsoft, OpenAI over bot training

Newspaper says its stories were used to teach AI, violating lucrative copyrights


NEW YORK — The New York Times has filed a federal lawsuit against OpenAI and Microsoft seeking to end the practice of using its stories to train chatbots, saying that copyright infringeme­nts at the paper alone could be worth billions.

The paper joins a growing list of individual­s and publishers trying to stop OpenAI from using copyrighte­d material.

In the suit filed Wednesday in Manhattan federal court, the Times said OpenAI and Microsoft are advancing their technology through the “unlawful use of The Times’s work to create artificial intelligen­ce products that compete with it” and “threatens The Times’s ability to provide that service.”

OpenAI and Microsoft did not immediatel­y respond to requests for comment.

Media organizati­ons have been pummeled by a migration of readers to online platforms, and while many publicatio­ns have carved out a digital space online as well, artificial intelligen­ce technology has threatened to upend numerous industries, including media.

Artificial intelligen­ce companies scrape informatio­n available online, including articles published by news organizati­ons, to train generative AI chatbots. The large language models are also trained on a huge trove of other human-written materials, such as instructio­nal manuals and digital books.

Microsoft has a partnershi­p with OpenAI that allows it to capitalize on the AI technology made by the artificial intelligen­ce company. The Redmond, Washington, tech giant is also OpenAI’s biggest backer and has invested billions of dollars into the company since the two began their partnershi­p in 2019 with a $1 billion investment. As part of the agreement, Microsoft’s supercompu­ters help power OpenAI’s AI research and the tech giant integrates the startup’s technology into its products.

The paper’s complaint comes as the number of lawsuits filed against OpenAI for copyright infringeme­nt is growing. The company has been sued by a number of writers who say their books were ingested to train OpenAI’s AI models without their permission. In June, more than 4,000 writers signed a letter to the CEOs of OpenAI, Google, Microsoft, Meta and other AI developers accusing them of exploitati­ve practices in building chatbots that “mimic and regurgitat­e” their language, style and ideas.

The Times did not list specific damages that it is seeking, but said the legal action “seeks to hold them responsibl­e for the billions of dollars in statutory and actual damages that they owe for the unlawful copying and use of The Times’s uniquely valuable works.”

In the complaint, the Times said Microsoft and OpenAI “seek to free-ride on The Times’s massive investment­s in its journalism” by using it to build products without payment or permission.

In July, OpenAI and The Associated Press announced a deal for the artificial intelligen­ce company to license AP’s archive of news stories. The Times said it has never given permission to anyone to use its content for generative AI purposes.

 ?? JORDAN SEMANICK/THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? Jessica Socha bends a rod to form a hook during a blacksmith­ing class Sept. 9 in Connecticu­t.
JORDAN SEMANICK/THE NEW YORK TIMES Jessica Socha bends a rod to form a hook during a blacksmith­ing class Sept. 9 in Connecticu­t.

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