

- Mark Berryhill CEO, equalpride

Dear Advocate Readers, As the warm summer months transition to cooler autumn weather, we hope this issue of The Advocate fills you with inspiratio­n as we bring you diverse and powerful stories. In this issue, we cover the history of our LGBTQ+ community, one that we should all take pride in celebratin­g year-round. We are thrilled to present this issue’s cover featuring Will Ferrell and Harper Steele. Their upcoming Netflix documentar­y presents a heartfelt road trip as the pair dives deep into their 30-yearlong friendship and profession­al partnershi­p, showcasing how Harper’s transition has enriched their journey together. In another exclusive interview, former NFL player Carl Nassib reflects on coming out three years and his new venture as an advocate for queer youth and others. His story is courageous and authentic, and I hope it inspires you to persevere against all odds. Our Stonewall feature will take you back to where it all began, exploring the history and significan­ce of the uprising. In our Seeher column, we also honor the many trans and gender-nonconform­ing folks who were key figures at Stonewall and helped jump-start the LGBTQ+ liberation movement. In our Entertainm­ent section, we’ll dive into Hollywood Pride, a historical book that celebrates queer artists in Hollywood. We’re also excited to share our interview with Rupaul’s Drag Race’s Cynthia Lee Fontaine, exploring her connection to the legendary drag artist Barbette. Every story in this issue celebrates our history, heroes, and ongoing struggle for equality. Thank you for being a part of The Advocate’s journey. Your support and readership fuel our mission to highlight and honor the voices within our vibrant community. With Pride,

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