Oroville Mercury-Register

Police: Athletic director used AI to frame principal with racist remarks

- By Ben Finley

A high school athletic director in Maryland has been accused of using artificial intelligen­ce to impersonat­e a principal on an audio recording that included racist and antisemiti­c comments, authoritie­s said Thursday.

Authoritie­s said the case appears to be among the first of its kind in the country and called for new laws to guard against the technology. Experts also warned that artificial intelligen­ce is becoming increasing­ly powerful, while the ability to detect it may lag behind without more resources.

Dazhon Darien faked the voice of Pikesville High School's principal in response to conversati­ons the men had about Darien's poor work performanc­e and whether his contract would be renewed, Baltimore County police said.

Concerns included allegation­s that Darien paid his roommate $1,900 in school funds under the false pretense of coaching the girls soccer team, police said.

Darien forged an audio clip in which it sounded as if the principal was frustrated with Black students and their test-taking abilities, police wrote in charging documents. They said the recording also purported to capture the principal disparagin­g Jewish individual­s and two teachers.


The audio clip quickly spread on social media and had “profound repercussi­ons,” the court documents stated, with the principal being placed on leave. The recording put the principal and his family at “significan­t risk,” while police officers provided security at his house, according to authoritie­s.

The recording also triggered a wave of hate-filled messages on social media and an inundation of phone calls to the school, police said. Activities were disrupted for a time, and some staff felt unsafe.

“Teachers have expressed fears that recording devices could have been planted in various places in the school,” the charging documents stated.

Darien, 31, faces charges that include theft, disrupting school activities, stalking and retaliatin­g against a witness, according to court documents.

A first

Scott Shellenber­ger, the Baltimore County state's attorney, said the case appears to be one of the first of its kind nationwide involving artificial intelligen­ce that his office was able to find. He said Maryland's Legislatur­e may need to update state laws to catch up with the nefarious possibilit­ies of the new technology.

For example, the charge of disrupting school activities “only carries a 6-month sentence,” Shellenber­ger said.

“But we also need to take a broader look at how this technology can be used and abused to harm other people,” the prosecutor said.

Baltimore County detectives had asked experts to analyze the recording made by Darien, according to the charges against him.

A professor from the University of Colorado-Denver told police that it “contained traces of AI-generated content with human editing after the fact, which added background noises for realism,” court records stated.

A second opinion from a professor at the University of California-Berkley told police that “multiple recordings were spliced together,” according to the records.

A Baltimore County detective found that Darien had used Large Language Models, such as OpenAI and Bingchat, which can “tell users what steps to take to create synthetic media,” court documents stated.

Online court records for Darien show that he posted $5,000 bond on Thursday. The records did not list an attorney who might be able to speak on his behalf.

Darien was arrested Wednesday evening before he was to board a plane at Baltimore/Washington Internatio­nal Thurgood Marshall Airport, Baltimore County Police Chief Robert McCullough said. Darien was stopped because of how he had packaged his firearm for the flight, leading officers to learn he had a warrant for his arrest, according to McCullough.

 ?? KIM HAIRSTON — THE BALTIMORE SUN VIA AP ?? Baltimore County Police Chief Robert McCullough and other local officials speak at a news conference in Towson, Maryland, on Thursday. The officials discussed the arrest of a high school athletic director on charges that he used artificial intelligen­ce to impersonat­e a principal on an audio recording that included racist and antisemiti­c comments.
KIM HAIRSTON — THE BALTIMORE SUN VIA AP Baltimore County Police Chief Robert McCullough and other local officials speak at a news conference in Towson, Maryland, on Thursday. The officials discussed the arrest of a high school athletic director on charges that he used artificial intelligen­ce to impersonat­e a principal on an audio recording that included racist and antisemiti­c comments.

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