Oroville Mercury-Register

An undeserved attack on our vice-president

- — Mark S. Gailey, Chico

To his credit, prominent conservati­ve columnist George Will, has repeatedly — over the years — shown his ongoing disdain for former POTUS Donald Trump.

Unfortunat­ely, and not to his credit, George Will often reverts to some pretty callous attacks and disdain towards his perceived enemies (i.e., Democrats). His most recent attack, “Roosevelt fixed his VP problem; will Biden” (Other Views, E-R Feb. 25th), has this opening salvo: “Today's subject is potentiall­y the most consequent­ial mistake of Joe Biden's irresponsi­bly prolonged public life. She, the mistake [by clear implicatio­n Vice President Kamala Harris] will not, however, be mentioned again.”

In his five-column diatribe, Will implies (without a shred of evidence) that `She' is somehow in the same minor bush league as former Vice Presidents Henry Wallace, described for his “back-channel collusion with Stalin to undermine official U.S. foreign policy” and Andrew Johnson, a “drunk” and “an especially virulent white supremacis­t.'

Here is the actual Kamala Harris: Graduate of Howard University (1982-86) and the University of California, Hastings College of Law (1987-89). Deputy District Attorney in Alameda County (1990-97). Assistant San Francisco District Attorney (1998-99). Head of the San Francisco Family and Children's Services Division (2000-03). District Attorney of San Francisco (2004-2011). Attorney

General of California (2011-2016). U.S. Senator (20172021). Vice President of the United States (2021-Present).

Kamala Harris is the United States' first female vice president, the highest-ranking female elected official in U.S. history, and the first African American and first AsianAmeri­can vice president.

Just how much higher does Kamala have to jump?

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