Oroville Mercury-Register

Potential warning signs of kidney problems


Kidneys play an important role in the body. Kidneys filter waste and excess fluids from the blood, which are then removed through urine. Without fully functionin­g kidneys, dangerous levels of electrolyt­es and other substances in the blood can build up in the body.

More than 37 million American adults are living with kidney disease, say the National Kidney Foundation. The NHS, a health service based in the United Kingdom, says many people with chronic kidney disease will not exhibit symptoms until the illness reaches an advanced stage. It is vital to recognize symptoms of kidney issues early to avoid severe complicati­ons. Here are some possible signs of kidney disease.

• Feeling more tired and having trouble concentrat­ing: When impurities build up in the blood, this can cause people to feel tired and weak and adversely affect the ability to concentrat­e. The NKF also says anemia, which causes weakness and fatigue, is an additional complicati­on of kidney disease.

• Vomiting, nausea and lack of appetite. All may occur from chronic kidney disease.

• Swollen feet and ankles. A buildup of excess fluid may lead to swelling in the extremitie­s.

• Hypertensi­on. High blood pressure may develop and prove difficult to control.

• Chest pains. Chest pains can arise if fluid retention builds up around the lining of the heart.

• Presence of blood in the urine. There may be a need to urinate more frequently, and when one does so, he or she may notice blood in the urine. This occurs when blood cells start to leak into the urine due to damaged kidney filters.

• Muscle cramping. Electrolyt­e imbalances caused by kidney dysfunctio­n can lead to muscle cramping.

It is important to recognize any signs of kidney issues and visit the doctor at the first indication of a problem. However, kidney disease in its earliest stages may produce few to no symptoms, which underscore­s the significan­ce of annual health checkups and healthy lifestyles.

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