Oroville Mercury-Register

Recall elections could become even more simple

- Email Thomas Elias at tdelias@ aol.com.

If anything seemed like a lock, a sure thing for passage during last year's state legislativ­e session, it was recall reform. The need for changes in the way voters can rid themselves of officials they no longer want was one key takeaway from the abortive 2021 attempt to oust Gov. Gavin Newsom.

Not that the recall attempt hurt Newsom. It gave him both a chance to campaign for an extra few months and the added status of having crushed a movement to oust him. Traditiona­lly, both have strengthen­ed candidates who survive such attacks.

But recall reform went nowhere last year, and its fate this year is essentiall­y unknown. Both last spring and right now, the recall reform efforts have been spearheade­d by another recall survivor, Democratic state Sen. Josh Newman of Fullerton.

Newman was recalled in

2018, but then won his seat back two years later. He suggested a straight-up yes-or-no vote for recalls, with a special election to follow when the yes side wins.

This would differ somewhat from many local recall rules, as when voters in San Francisco in 2022 nixed then-District Attorney Chesa Boudin, with his successor named by the city/county mayor, London Breed. That system is unique because San Francisco is the state's only locale where city and county lines are nearly identical.

His last recall reform effort having failed, Newman is back with a new plan, focusing especially on gubernator­ial recalls, of which California has seen two in the last quarter century — Newsom was not recalled, but in 2003, then-Gov. Gray Davis was emphatical­ly removed, with muscleman actor Arnold Schwarzene­gger taking his place after coming in first in a field of 135 replacemen­t candidates.

In both the Davis and Newsom recalls, voters faced two questions: First, did they want the incumbent removed, and second, who should replace him, with no limit on the number of replacemen­t candidates.

Almost two decades later, the no side easily won and the votes for potential replacemen­ts became largely irrelevant. Meanwhile, leading replacemen­t candidate Larry Elder drew 3.5 million votes, or 28 percent of the 12.8 million cast. But more than 5 million recall election voters did not bother voting for a replacemen­t candidate.

Seeing all this, Newman proposed a plan last year to have ousted governors who have served less than two years replaced by the lieutenant governor until a special election can be held. Only one question — the recall itself — would face voters in future elections.

It was somewhat surprising that this planned state constituti­onal amendment got nowhere in the Legislatur­e, as it would have made lawmakers a bit more difficult to recall than they are now.

It's anyone's guess what will befall Newman's newest measure, which quickly passed the state Senate in a 31-7 vote. It awaits action in the Assembly, where Newman's previous effort was killed.

Like his previous effort, the new measure — a proposed state constituti­onal amendment that, if passed, would appear as a propositio­n on the November ballot — would set up a system considerab­ly more democratic than today's.

Under today's system, if Newsom had lost on the first question, the yes-or-no vote on dumping him, Elder would have replaced him even if Elder got far less votes than the no's recorded on question one, which were essentiall­y votes to keep Newsom.

Newman claims his new plan, which allows the lieutenant governor to take over if a governor is removed, is far more democratic. He also claims it would keep recalls personal, preventing them from being diverted into “political opportunis­m and gamesmansh­ip.”

Of course, it would also take some of the fun out of recalls, which have featured candidates from former San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer to Republican Kevin Kiley, an former state assemblyma­n who used his recall candidacy to propel him into a congressio­nal seat. There were also gadfly entertaine­r Angelyne and Riverside County Supervisor Jeff Hewitt.

Removing lists of potential replacemen­ts from recall ballots would make them far less entertaini­ng and engaging, but also more democratic and serious-minded. So, for sure, if Newman's latest proposal makes the fall ballot, future recall elections would be a lot less flashy than the last few have been, but also far sounder.

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