Oroville Mercury-Register

Oroville area church services

- The deadline for church briefs and services is noon Wednesday prior to publicatio­n. Email items to religion@orovillemr. com.



Calvary Lutheran Church: 8:45 a.m. worship with children's church. 10 Concordia Lane. All are welcome. The Gospel of Jesus proclaimed. www.calvarylut­heranorovi­lle.org. 533-5017.

Christian Science: Sunday 10 a.m. up to age 20. Wednesday testimony at noon, Christian Science Reading Room. 1940 Bird St. Reading Room open Monday, Wednesday.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints: 9-11 a.m. Oroville Third Ward at 2390Monte Vista Avenue 9 am. to 11 am. with Bishop Hancock. Table Mountain First Ward at 167Table Mountain Blvd. 10 a.m. to 12:10 pm with Bishop Carlson. Table Mountain Second Branch (Hmong) 167 Table Mountain Blvd. 10 a.m. to 12:10 pm with President Xiong.

Evangelica­l Free Church: 9a.m. Pastor Gregg Hensel. In person services, visitors welcome. Message also on YouTube (EFC Oroville). office@evfreeorov­ille.com. 3785Olive Hwy. 533-6866. www.evfreeorov­ille.com.

First Congregati­onal Church: In-person Sunday 11 a.m. worship in the sanctuary. Noon lunch in the social hall. Wednesday 11 a.m. bible study in the Faith Boardman Drobish chapel. Facebook Live, Zoom fccorovill­e.org or facebook. com/fccorovill­e. 1715Bird St. 533-2483.

Olive Hill Missionary Baptist Church: 11 a.m. service with Pastor Johnnie Dollins. Sunday school 10 a.m., BTC at 1:30p.m. First Sunday of month potluck at noon. Wednesday night prayer service 7 p.m. 200 Executive Parkway. olivehillm­bc@ yahoo.com. 403-0267. Oroville Church of the Nazarene: Sunday prayer 8 a.m. Worship 10 a.m. in-person on patio or at OroNaz.org or YouTube.

Pure Desire Group Mondays at 6:30 p.m. Adult Sunday School classes 9a.m. Youth Tuesdays 5p.m. Serenity/ Recovery Wednesdays 6 p.m. 2238Monte Vista Ave. in Oroville. 533-7464, info@ oronaz.org.

Oroville Seventh-day Adventist Church: Sabbath School 9:30 a.m. Saturday. 1180 Robinson St. 5334461. Lunch and Learn third Sunday of month. 1-3:30 p.m. with lunch in Williams Hall at the church. 231-7356078or OroSDAheal­th@ gmail.com.

Oroville United Methodist Church: 8:30 a.m. Hmong Service. 9 a.m. children's church. 9:45 a.m. Chancel Choir Practice. 10:15 a.m. Hmong Adult and Youth Sunday school. English service 10:30a.m. Coffee, refreshmen­ts after service. First Sunday of each month is English/Hmong Communion. facebook.com/orofumc or YouTube. 45 Acacia Avenue. 534-9455.

Pursuit Christian Church: 10 a.m. praise and worship. 2295Foothi­ll Blvd. Facebook at Pursuit Christian Church Oroville or pursuitchr­istianchur­ch.org. 533-4786. pursuitchr­istianchur­ch.org.

St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Parish: Monday service 8:30a.m. Saturday Vigil Mass 5:30p.m. Saturday Mass in Spanish 7p.m. Sunday Mass 8a.m. and 10:30a.m. Tuesday 6p.m. mass. Wednesday-Friday 8:30 a.m. mass. 1330 Bird St. 533-0262, orovilleca­tholic.org.

St. Paul's Episcopal Church: In-person Sundays 10 a.m. Facebook Live for those unable to attend in-person. Facebook at St. Paul's Episcopal Church of Oroville. 1430 Pine St. 5335035.

Trinity Presbyteri­an

Church: Everyone is welcome to come and discover Jesus. www.trinityoro­ville. com and live on YouTube at “Trinity Presbyteri­an Church Oroville Ca”. 2350 Foothill Blvd. 530-534-0354. Unity of Oroville: Cakes and prayers before worship at 9:30 a.m. Church is a loving, spiritual community which honors all paths to God while following the teachings of Jesus Christ. Sunday service on Zoom. 10 a.m. Sunday for meditation, 10:30a.m. for service. 5338696. 1321 Robinson St.

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