Oroville Mercury-Register

North Korea says Kim supervised tests of cruise missiles

- By Kim Tong-Hyung

>> North Korean leader Kim Jong Un supervised test-firings of new cruise missiles designed to be launched from submarines and also reviewed efforts to build a nuclear-powered submarine while reiteratin­g his goal of building a nucleararm­ed navy to counter what he portrays as growing external threats, state media said Monday.

The report came a day after South Korea's military said it detected North Korea firing multiple cruise missiles over waters near the eastern port of Sinpo, where the North has a major shipyard developing submarines. It was the latest in a streak of weapons demonstrat­ions by North Korea amid increasing tensions with the United States, South Korea and Japan.

North Korea's official newspaper Rodong Sinmun published photos of what appeared to be at least two missiles fired separately. Both created grayish-white clouds as they broke the water surface and soared into the air at an angle of around 45 degrees, which possibly suggests they were fired from torpedo launch tubes.

State media said the missiles were Pulhwasal-3-31, a new type of weapon first tested last week in landbased launches from North Korea's western coast.

The reports implied that two missiles were fired during the test. KCNA said the missiles flew more than two hours before accurately striking an island target, but it did not specify the vessel used for the launches. North Korea in past years has fired missiles both from developmen­tal, missile-firing submarines and underwater test platforms built on barges.

Lee Sung Joon, spokespers­on of South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the South Korean and U.S. militaries were analyzing the launches, including the possibilit­y that the North exaggerate­d the flight times.

In recent years, North Korea has tested a variety of missiles designed to be fired from submarines as it pursues the ability to conduct nuclear strikes from underwater. In theory, such capacity would bolster its deterrent by ensuring a survivable capability to retaliate after absorbing a nuclear attack on land.

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