Oroville Mercury-Register


Storm is said to have similar impact as the area's last

- By Michael Weber mweber@chicoer.com

Let the warm sun shine Sunday; the week ahead is forecast to be damp in a redux of last week's storm.

Rain forecast this week, heaviest Wednesday, is predicted to come after a warmer-than-average Sunday and Monday, according to National Weather Service Sacramento.

This upcoming storm is said to see similar impacts to the area as the storm from Jan. 1921 in its forecast amounts for rain and wind, according to an announceme­nt by National Weather Service meteorolog­ist Courtney Carpenter.

“This is a pretty normal system for this time of year,” Carpenter said.

Light showers were forecast for early this morning in north valley with temperatur­e highs in the area from the low to mid 60s.

Then, clearing up, temperatur­e highs Sunday are forecast to breach 70 degrees in north valley cities, including Chico, Oroville and Red Bluff at 71 degrees; Paradise is forecast to be 68 degrees.

Historical average high temperatur­es this time of year are 58 degrees for Red Bluff and 56 degrees in Oroville, according to meteorolog­ist Katrina Hand — a difference of about 10 to 15 degrees.

Monday may continue the warm, spring-like trend with 69 degrees forecast for Chico, Oroville and Red Bluff.

Temperatur­es lows appear similar throughout the week, forecasts hovering around 50 degrees in the early mornings today through Wednesday.

Storm begins

By Tuesday, the beginnings of a storm are forecast to appear, then increase to its wettest by Wednesday, Carpenter said. Precipitat­ion is expected to last until about early Saturday.

Chico is forecast at a 45% chance to see up to two inches of rain in 72 hours starting Wednesday; Red Bluff is rated at a 41% chance and Oroville is rated at a 48% chance, according to the weather service.

Up in the mountains, snow levels are forecast between 6,500-7,500 feet Wednesday dropping to 5,000-6,000 feet Thursday, according to the weather service.

Carpenter said precipitat­ion and wind amounts are still uncertain, and updates will be given as the storm comes closer.

 ?? NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE — CONTRIBUTE­D ?? A map of Northern California depicts temperatur­e high forecasts for cities on Sunday that was published Friday by National Weather Service Sacramento.
NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE — CONTRIBUTE­D A map of Northern California depicts temperatur­e high forecasts for cities on Sunday that was published Friday by National Weather Service Sacramento.

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