Oroville Mercury-Register

13 essential vitamins the body needs


The human body is a marvel. When working correctly, the body automatica­lly performs scores of metabolic functions. Individual­s can facilitate the performanc­e of those functions in various ways.

Careful considerat­ion of what they put into their bodies is one way individual­s can make things easier on their bodies. It is vital to supply the body with the nutrients it needs. This includes the essentials: A, C, D, E, K, and the eight B vitamins.

• Vitamin A: This vitamin helps ensure the health of the skin, corneas, lining of the urinary tract, lungs, and intestines. Vitamin A also helps protect against infection. It also is important for vision, as it improves vision in dim light.

• Vitamin C: Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, plays a vital role in immune system function, helping to protect cells from free radicals. Since the body cannot store vitamin C, it needs to be consumed daily.

• Vitamin D: Vitamin D assists in calcium and phosphorou­s absorption, which helps to keep bones and teeth strong. The body can produce vitamin D naturally by spending time in sunlight. That is why it’s often called “the sunshine vitamin.”

• Vitamin E: This vitamin maintains muscles and red blood cells. It also protects fatty acids.

• Vitamin K: Vitamin K is necessary for blood to clot and helps to keep bones and other tissues in the body healthy.

• Thiamine (B1): B1 is needed for metabolism and for nerve and heart function.

• Riboflavin (B2): Another important nutrient for metabolizi­ng foods,

B2 helps maintain healthy mucus membranes, such as those in the mouth and nose.

• Niacin (B3): This vitamin helps to release energy from food and keeps the nervous system healthy.

• Pantotheni­c Acid (B5): B5 is another vitamin that aids energy metabolism. It also plays a role in normalizin­g blood sugar levels.

• Pyridoxine (B6): People rely on B6 to metabolize food energy. It also has a role in proper nerve function and helps in the creation of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen around through red blood cells.

• Biotin (B7): This is only needed in small amounts to make fatty acids. .

• Folate (B9): Folate is very important for healthy red blood cells. Folate also helps to prevent birth defects, which is why it is recommende­d as a prenatal vitamin. The manufactur­ed form of folate is called folic acid.

• Cobalamin (B12): B12 is needed to make red blood cells, DNA, RNA, and myelin for nerve fibers.

It is preferable to obtain vitamins through healthy foods. If and when foods are inadequate, supplement­ation might be recommende­d.

Certain vitamins are fat-soluble, which means they are stored in the body’s fat and used slowly over time, according to WebMD. Others are water-soluble, so they are not stored and need to be replenishe­d frequently. Individual­s should speak to their doctors and nutritioni­sts about any vitamin deficienci­es they may have and how to combat them safely.

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