Oroville Mercury-Register

Judge blocks most of an Iowa law banning some school library books


DES MOINES, IOWA >> A federal judge on Friday temporaril­y blocked key parts of an Iowa law that bans some books from school libraries and forbids teachers from raising LGBTQ+ issues.

Judge Stephen Locher's preliminar­y injunction halts enforcemen­t of the law, which was set to take effect Jan. 1 but already had resulted in the removal of hundreds of books from Iowa schools.

The law, which the Republican-led Legislatur­e and GOP Gov. Kim Reynolds approved early in 2023, bans books depicting sex acts from school libraries and classrooms and forbids teachers from raising gender identity and sexual orientatio­n issues with students through the sixth grade. Locher blocked enforcemen­t of those two provisions.

The judge said the ban on books is “incredibly broad” and has resulted in the removal of history volumes, classics, awardwinni­ng novels and “even books designed to help students avoid being victimized by sexual assault.” He said that part of the law is unlikely to satisfy the constituti­on's requiremen­ts for free speech.

In barring the provision barring any discussion of “gender identity” and “sexual orientatio­n” in elementary school, Locher said the way it was written it was “wildly overbroad.”


Reynolds said in a statement that she was “extremely disappoint­ed” by the ruling.

“Instructio­n on gender identity and sexual orientatio­n has no place in kindergart­en through sixth grade classrooms,” Reynolds said. “And there should be no question that books containing sexually explicit content — as clearly defined in Iowa law — do not belong in a school library for children. The fact that we're even arguing these issues is ridiculous.”

Educators lauded the decision, however.

“When education profession­als return to work next week, they can do what they do best: take great care of all their students without fear of reprisal,” Mike Beranek, president of the Iowa State Education Associatio­n, said in a statement.

The judge let stand a requiremen­t that school administra­tors notify parents if their child asks to change their pronouns or name, saying the plaintiffs did not have standing.

Iowa's measure is part of a wave of similar legislatio­n across the country. Typically backed by Republican lawmakers, the laws seek to prohibit discussion of gender and sexual orientatio­n issues, ban treatments such as puberty blockers for transgende­r children, and restrict the use of restrooms in schools. Many have prompted court challenges.

Opponents of the Iowa law filed two lawsuits. One is on behalf of the organizati­on Iowa Safe Schools and seven students, represente­d by the American Civil Liberties Union of Iowa and Lambda Legal. The other is by the Iowa State Education Associatio­n, publisher Penguin Random House and four authors.

Free speech

The first lawsuit argues the measure is unconstitu­tional because it violates students' and teachers' free speech and equal protection rights. The second, which focused more narrowly on the book bans, argues the law violates the First and 14th amendments.

Lawyers for both lawsuits said the law is broad and confusing.

 ?? CHARLIE NEIBERGALL — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE ?? Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds speaks during an interview Nov. 8 in Des Moines, Iowa.
CHARLIE NEIBERGALL — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds speaks during an interview Nov. 8 in Des Moines, Iowa.

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