Orlando Sentinel

‘Going Places’ exhibit tackles transporta­tion challenges

- By Dewayne Bevil dbevil@orlandosen­tinel. com

Just how we get where we’re going is the subject of “Going Places,” an exhibit now installed at Orlando Science Center.

Multiple modes of transporta­tion — from cars to blimps to land yachts — and their respective challenges are explored through hands-on activities that are generally aimed at children.

“We found that the content is actually pretty engaging for all ages,” said Jeff Stanford, vice president of marketing for the science center. “It’s a nice mixture of screen-based electronic activity and large set pieces. That’s what keeps it engaging.”

Visitors can sit inside a red biplane to use a related flight simulator. Across the exhibit hall, folks compete to load virtual trains at their highest passenger capacity yet also avoid collisions on the tracks seen on the floor.

That comes with an attention-getting horn to blow as a warning (and to change the direction of the trains). There are also digital gates to switch as needed.

Another display pits two kinds of bicycles — racing and recumbent — in a virtual contest in front of a big screen, taking different paths and challenges.

A competitio­n in an exhibit is “always a great incentive to get people to engage together,” Stanford said.

“What we found — especially coming out of the pandemic — people really want experience­s,” he said. “People look to us for things they can do together, for hands-on activity.”

Other “Going Places” displays, designed by Australia-based Scitech, have hands-on elements, such as stacking and balancing blocks on a wobbly ship (it’s a lesson about balancing cargo) and fitting several suitcases into a car trunk.

One table is outfitted with a long fan that manipulate­s miniature land yachts, and visitors are challenged to steer them around the surface. Other kiosks look at drones, engines, airships and hoverdiscs, and they’re designed to educate in the fields of physics, mathematic­s, technology and biology.

“Going Places” will be at the Loch Haven Park museum through May 5. It’s included with regular admission.

 ?? DEWAYNE BEVIL/ORLANDO SENTINEL ?? A biplane model (with built-in flight simulator) is part of the “Going Places” exhibit at Orlando Science Center.
DEWAYNE BEVIL/ORLANDO SENTINEL A biplane model (with built-in flight simulator) is part of the “Going Places” exhibit at Orlando Science Center.

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