Orlando Sentinel

Ziegler told police he feared ‘political side’ of assault investigat­ion

- By Jay Cridlin

When police investigat­ing a sexual battery claim showed up at Christian Ziegler’s Sarasota home Nov. 1, he put away his dog, welcomed them in and apologized for the mess. And then, before the investigat­ors could tell him why they were there, he wanted to know if their conversati­on would become public.

When they said they were investigat­ing a criminal allegation, he said he had an idea of what it was about. And then he asked again if the interview was on the record.

“Can I ask questions without it being written down?” he said, according to a transcript of the meeting released by Sarasota police. “The problem is, with my role, everything gets played out very publicly.”

In that initial interview, which lasted less than a half hour, Ziegler asked questions or voiced concerns about the assault case going public at least 30 different times, according to the transcript — a rate of more than once every minute.

“I’m chairman of the Republican Party of Florida, so there’ll be a high public interest in the case,” he said. “I have to navigate this not just from the fact base, but also from a political, PR angle. … So I’m more sensitive about the PR side, the political side, than I am about the facts. Okay?”

Ziegler was ousted as the state’s Republican Party chairperso­n in January amid an ongoing investigat­ion into an Oct. 2 incident. He was accused of sexually battering a woman with whom he’d had intermitte­nt sexual affairs, and with whom he’d participat­ed in at least one consensual threesome alongside his wife Bridget Ziegler, co-founder of the conservati­ve education group Moms for Liberty and a member of the Sarasota County School Board.

Ziegler has not been charged with a crime, and police opted against charging him with sexual assault after they found a video they said appeared to show consensual sexual activity between him and his accuser. But police forwarded a potential video voyeurism case to the State Attorney’s Office for the 12th Judicial Circuit after discoverin­g footage of the sexual encounter through his phone.

Police on Thursday released dozens of pages of interview transcript­s with Ziegler, the accuser — whose name has been redacted in all police documents — and others.

Ziegler’s attorney, Matthew Sarelson, said Thursday night that his client had no comment on the interviews.

Ziegler sat for three police interviews in November and December. In them, he told investigat­ors he was “blindsided” by the accusation­s from the woman, with whom he said he’d had sex about a dozen times over 14 years. He said they communicat­ed via Instagram direct messages on “vanish” mode, where messages are kept only temporaril­y, and that their Oct. 2 encounter, like others before it, seemed “routine.”

“At the time I didn’t think anything of it until the end of the month when I sent her a message and she’s like, ‘Hey, what happened wasn’t right,’ he said. And I was like, ‘Whoa, what are you talking (about)?’ … It was a little bit of a shock when I found out that she was upset. And it created a little bit of panic on my end because I just never suspected that. And it totally caught me off guard, to be honest.”

In his interviews, Ziegler appears deferentia­l and cooperativ­e with investigat­ors. But he also expresses concern with how the investigat­ion will play out publicly — not just for himself, but for his wife, whom he describes as “terrified” over a police search of his phone.

When police first confronted Ziegler on Nov. 1, he questioned how much of their interview would become public more than 25 times before police even told him he’d been accused of sexual battery.

“I’m usually a very transparen­t, open guy, and usually I would just go through whatever you want to go through,” he said. “I’m not necessaril­y worried about the complaint, I’m worried about the public side of it.”

He predicted, accurately, that the case would come to dominate the state’s political discourse.

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