Orlando Sentinel

Ticked off! @flight patterns


If the Magic players spent less time at tattoo parlors and more time practicing free throws they would have won six or seven more games.

One of those Spark delivery drivers who deliver for Walmart was delivering to my neighbor across the street from me and was so disrespect­ful by blasting his loud music and it was so loud that I thought someone was having a party! I get so ticked off when people blast their music in their cars! It ticks me off even more when it is an adult that should know better! I am so thankful that that noisy narcissist­ic delivery driver is not one of my neighbors!

Why are there so many planes flying over our area? I’ve counted as many as four a minute consistent­ly! I know there have been cold fronts coming through and they do have to change their patterns occasional­ly, but this has been like this for the last two months. We cannot have our windows open nor eat outside. Exposure like this damages hearing and pollutes the air. Air traffic needs to be rotated so certain areas do not get the brunt of the noise!

Developers need higher impact fees to build any more here! Enough is enough! They tear down the rest of our trees and leave us with no shade. Our sewers cannot handle all this extra waste. Our lift pumps fail during hurricanes. The climate is getting hotter here with all this cement. The bike trails are not shaded anymore and there are more people filling them to capacity. And we certainly do not need more demands on our power and street traffic. The developers make their money and leave us residents with the consequenc­es!

The flip side

I want to thank the two nice ladies who bought lunch for my two sons and myself! What a nice surprise! You were already gone, so I couldn’t thank you in person. Thank you so much and I will definitely pass it forward! God bless!

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