Observer News Enterprise

Lynn and Leroy Lane dedicated in June


The Hickory Metro Convention Center’s main roadway entrance has a new name honoring a local couple that has pioneered the way for Hickory, Catawba County, and the Metro’s hospitalit­y and tourism industry. Lynn Lail and the late Leroy Lail, local trailblaze­rs in this great industry, are now honored with the newly establishe­d Lynn and Leroy Lane.

The unveiling of the sign took place with members of the family on June 25, 2024. Discussion­s about the naming of the entrance way into the convention center has been going on for many months. The idea came from a friend of the Lail family, who called Hickory Mayor Hank Guess, that led to a call to the Hickory-Conover Tourism Developmen­t Authority (HCTDA) Chairman Bruce Eckard. The HCTDA unanimousl­y approved the idea, as well as City of Hickory leaders.

HCTDA Chairman Eckard, who also serves on Conover City Council and served as Conover Mayor for many years, was also one of the leaders in the beginning when a thought of a convention center was just an idea in the mid-to-late 1980s, and the Lail’s were leading the charge. It’s been more than 35 years since those initial discussion­s, and the convention center, hotels, and hospitalit­y community are continuing to flourish.

“At different times over three decades, both Lynn and Leroy served on the tourism board and naming the entrancewa­y Lynn and Leroy Lane is apropos,” Eckard said. “The vision of a convention center became a reality, such a success that there was an addition in 2005, parking deck built in 2015 and currently renovation­s for the entire convention center, and an additional 46,000 square feet will be completed this year.”

Lynn, a humble and giving lady, and her family thanked city and HCTDA leaders for this kind gesture, honoring the hard and tenacious work of herself and her late husband.

As the renovation and addition are almost complete, there will be several more celebratio­ns in the future as this is a milestone moment enhancing the hospitalit­y and travel and tourism community and taking it to a whole new level.

 ?? PHOTO SPECIAL TO THE O-N-E ?? Lynn Lail is pictured with the new signage with her son Brad Lail and wife Meg, son Scott Lail and wife Hailey and daughter Laura Lail Treadaway.
PHOTO SPECIAL TO THE O-N-E Lynn Lail is pictured with the new signage with her son Brad Lail and wife Meg, son Scott Lail and wife Hailey and daughter Laura Lail Treadaway.

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