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Appalachia­n State University Chancellor Search Advisory Committee is announced

Committee will begin work to identify candidates to lead App State


RALEIGH, N.C. – University of North Carolina System President Peter Hans today announced the formation of a 13-member committee that will search for the next chancellor of Appalachia­n State University.

Deanna Ballard, former state senator who represente­d Watauga County from 2016 to 2023, will chair the search advisory committee.

“I’m grateful to Sen. Ballard for agreeing to serve in this important role,” Hans said. “She has strong ties to the Boone community and has been one of App State’s biggest champions. I also want to thank Trustee Chair Mark Ricks for his stalwart support of his alma mater. We are fortunate to have a group of dedicated individual­s who will come together to find the next leader of this great university.”

“I’m no stranger to climbing these mountains, and look forward to scaling new heights with faculty, staff, students, trustees and alumni as we consider the range of talents and skills needed in our next chancellor,” Ballard said.

“I’m genuinely honored to work alongside fellow committee members, who care deeply about the future of App State.”

Under UNC System policy, the search advisory committee is composed of up to 13 voting members, including representa­tives of the trustees, faculty staff, students and alumni. The committee also calls for a current or former chancellor of a UNC System institutio­n to serve, as well as members of the UNC Board of Governors and the president or his designee.

Opportunit­ies for public input will be available during the search process, including an online survey and in-person listening sessions. Forums will be held in the fall semester.

More informatio­n about the search process will be available soon on the App State website.

The members of the committee are:

Deanna Ballard, former state senator who served Senate District 45, representi­ng Watauga County (2016-23), chair of the search advisory committee

Brandon Adcock (‘06),

CEO of Wellful, Inc. and cofounder of Adaptive Health

Dr. Jacqui Bergman, Faculty Senate chair, professor, Department of Management

Philip Byers (‘85), UNC Board of Governors campus liaison

Peter Hans, UNC System president

Scott Lampe (‘94), Board of Trustees member

Kathryn Long, student body president, Honors College student majoring in communicat­ions sciences and disorders from Jackson, NC

Wendy Murphy, UNC

Board of Governors chair

Mark E. Ricks (‘89), App State Board of Trustees chair

R. Thomas “Tommy” Sofield, Jr. (‘76), App State Board of Trustees vice chair

Courtney Thompson (’17), staff representa­tive, assistant director of university events scheduling and communicat­ions

Dr. Kimberly van Noort, chancellor of the University of North Carolina Asheville

Brad Wilson (‘75), CEO Emeritus of Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina

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