Observer News Enterprise

Wildlife law enforcemen­t enhance efforts to reduce impaired boating during the busy July 4 holiday


Carolina Caring is proud to announce the success of its third graduating class from its innovative CNA Training and Job Placement Program! After completing a paid, intensive nine-week, hands-on educationa­l session that prepared them for the demanding North Carolina CNA certificat­ion test, all nine graduates passed and were either hired as permanent staff at Carolina Caring or supported in securing a CNA role with one of its community partners.

Carolina Caring is at the forefront of healthcare innovation by offering a creative solution to the nationwide shortage of Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs), essential for caring for the rapidly aging Baby Boomer generation. In response to this staffing crisis, the serious illness care provider’s Center for Leadership & Learning launched a state-approved CNA Training Program in March 2023 designed to provide expert education and immediate job placement.

Congratula­tions to the newest CNA graduates on May 16, 2024: Bobbie Parkhurst (Class Valedictor­ian) Pamela Carver, Dawn Fabiano, Destiny Blankenshi­p, Anna Gales, Donae Moss, Brandie Isenhour, Taylor Brown, and Amber Pendergras­s.

“We have found that many people who are passionate about helping others and wish to start a career in healthcare may be held back by their financial circumstan­ces,” says Traci Boyles, Carolina Caring’s CNA Clinical Manager.“Our CNA Training Program helps remove some of those barriers. Not only is the training itself paid, but we also provide books and other supplies, equipping each student with everything they need to become a CNA and start work immediatel­y.”

The next session will begin August 5, 2024. Taught by Carolina Caring’s compassion­ate and specialty-trained staff, this unique training opportunit­y is designed to prepare students for immediate CNA roles. Limited to 10 students for personaliz­ed attention, the course ensures graduates are confident and job ready. Applicatio­ns are due by July 1, 2024.

For more informatio­n about the CNA training program or to apply, visit www. carolinaca­­g-applicatio­n.


Carolina Caring, founded in 1979, is an independen­t, community-based, nonprofit healthcare provider. It specialize­s in programs that offer relief from chronic conditions, serious illnesses, and the challenges they bring, including palliative medicine and hospice care for all ages, primary care and grief counseling. Carolina Caring serves 12 counties across western North Carolina and the Charlotte Region. For more informatio­n, please call 828.466.0466 or visit www. CarolinaCa­

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