Observer News Enterprise

CVMC officially completes three-year emergency expansion


Recently Catawba Valley Medical Center (CVMC) officially completed its threeyear Emergency Department and Heart Center expansion and renovation project. With all phases now complete, hospital leaders say the facility now features significan­t upgrades and amenities that patients will begin to experience immediatel­y.

The expansion and renovation project coincided with the addition of the area’s newest Heart Center, which was completed in March 2023. The Heart Center adjoins the expanded Emergency Department to improve efficiency for patients suffering from cardiac emergencie­s. The two projects were made possible by a generous gift from Bob and Michele McCreary.

“We’re excited for our community, which has been patient with us throughout the constructi­on and temporary changes to parking, entrances, and limited lobby seating,” said Chuck Scronce, assistant vice president who oversees CVMC Emergency and Cardiology Services. “Now we are operating without limitation­s, with a total of 46 treatment spaces, expanded lobby and better workflow for our staff and providers.”

He added that other features include expanded and fully renovated triage bays, as well as four new vertical care spaces for less urgent needs to provide care in a more efficient manner. Other highlights include additional care team stations, new medication rooms, family consultati­on rooms, and thirtythre­e monitored treatments rooms.

The new, modern ED design creates more treatment areas outfitted for a wider variety of care options. The new layout of the facility also allows for expanded services to treat bariatric patients, as well as a separate and more fully equipped area for psychiatri­c patients.

“A great deal of research by our leadership, medical staff, Emergency personnel and industry experts revealed a more efficient way to treat patients without sacrificin­g quality of care,” Scronce explained. “This expansion reflects how the most efficient and progressiv­e organizati­ons operate. Especially using lessons learned from the COVID pandemic, we are proud to adapt and grow as our community needs grow as well.”

Scronce added, “This week’s achievemen­t of completing this project greatly increases our capacity and ensures we are meeting our mission of “Exceptiona­l Healthcare. Every Person. Every Time.”

An earlier ceremony celebratin­g the completion of the expansion included a “blessing of the hands” and a prayer of dedication by CVMC spiritual care services leaders.

 ?? PHOTO SPECIAL TO THE O-N-E ?? Bob and Michele McCreary, whose gift made the CVMC Emergency expansion possible, cut the ribbon in a ceremony on May 1.
PHOTO SPECIAL TO THE O-N-E Bob and Michele McCreary, whose gift made the CVMC Emergency expansion possible, cut the ribbon in a ceremony on May 1.

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